Thursday, 6 July 2017

My Week

Hello everyone out in blog land, yes it is me little ole Jo-Anne, I am not dead nor have I been sick, however, I have been somewhat busy this last week and yes one day saw me in a great deal of pain.

So let us have a look at my last few days, Saturday saw Tim off work and both of us going to the shops and over to my parents place for a bit and Saturday afternoon me go over to Jessica's to take her cough syrup and a few things from Coles as she was sick. When I arrived Kelli was there she came down to get Leo and take him back to hers so Jessica could have a night to try and recover, well when it came time for them to head back to hers he didn't want to go so he ended up being here Saturday night.

Sunday saw Tim off again and going for a motorbike ride with Michael who on Friday night bought himself a motorbike and Kathy drove Leo back to his mums place.

Monday saw Tim and I drive my brother and his family along with some of their friends to Sydney they have gone on a cruise around the South Pacific Islands, at the moment I am not dog sitting my sister Sandra is there but if she decides to go home I am willing to go over and stay with the dogs.

Tuesday saw me going to Charlestown Square to help mum with her Christmas toy layby, now I had pain in my right ankle/ achilles tendon and had trouble walking but while helping her I felt/ heard a pop from my ankle followed by extreme pain so much pain I cried out in pain and my sister Sandy heard my cry out and came running to see what was wrong. Now some people might thing I would pack in the shopping and come home and rest or go straight to see a doctor but no not me I continued to help mum, sliding my right foot across the ground as I could not put and weight on the ankle/foot. When I did get home I spent the rest of the afternoon sitting with me feet up and doing nothing.

So Wednesday saw me off to the doctors to see what he had to say, I was able to walk a bit better yesterday and the pain level was back to the normal everyday level of pain I have in the right ankle and the doctor didn't even look at the ankle he just said I need an ultrasound to see what is happening and to go back and see him when I have had it. So I came home and rang around and the earliest I could get in to have it done was Tuesday morning. I didn't exercise yesterday, I slept in and rested the ankle.

That brings us to today, yes I got up at 4.30am and did an hour of exercise although I had to pack it in after an hour as my ankle was hurting.

The weather here has been bloody cold of a morning and afternoon but not too bad during the day, although on Monday when Tim and I were coming back from Sydney, Tim had the drivers side window down and I was bloody cold I had the heater on and Tim was complaining he was hot which he said was why he had the window down, I told him to shut off his vents so the hot air wasn't blowing on him but no he still kept the bloody window down.


  1. In my head I understand why we have such different weather. But it still amazes me sometimes. God's world!

  2. I hope you can get an ultrasound soon and get your ankle fixed. Your family depends on you so much, and you're so good to them. I know you want to continue all that you do, but sometimes you have to take care of yourself.

    I want to get my life a bit more organized and practice some self care because I need it, too!!!

    Great hearing from you, and you take care of yourself!


    1. Yeah I wish I could have had the ultrasound done much sooner, yesterday it took me ages to do stuff

  3. Let us know what the ultrasound says and be careful with it!

  4. I am anxious to know what the ultrasound says.

  5. I hope you can get an ultrasound done and for your doctor to tend to you ankle as soon as possible. Take good care and rest more.

    1. It will be done on Tuesday walking is a struggle

  6. A pop often means something is broken. Please rest, and keep your foot up on pillows or cushions.


  7. I have knee issues that will have to be repaired with surgery. I'm excited :(
    I hope you get relief soon.

    1. At least now days we can have surgery to repair our joints and bones

  8. Hope your ankle feels better and the ultrasound shows no major damage. It's summer here, and about 100F every afternoon. Wish I could send you some of our heat.

  9. I was wondering where you'd been. I'm so sorry you hurt your ankle, hope it heals quickly. Life gets really tough when you have trouble walking.

    1. It is still a struggle to walk and there is a lot of pain

  10. Hope your ankle feels better soon---keep us posted on the ultrasound results.

  11. Dear Jo-Anne, what a hard time this past week has been. I so hope your ankle is getting better. Is it this coming Tuesday that you have the test to determine what is wrong? Take care. Be gracious to yourself and rest a lot. Peace.

    1. Yes it is this coming Tuesday I have the ultrasound, I am hoping it isn't anything serious


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