Thursday, 13 July 2017

How I am feeling

Yesterday while at the doctors the nurse asked me how my mood was lately, I said so so, as in up and down but truth be told it is more down then up, mum will be able to relate to this. I can't help thinking it was only a couple of years ago I could go for walks and do more strenuous exercises, now I cannot do either.

Also the pain in my left arm is terrible and the same can be so for the pain in my right thigh, the right thigh is all the time and at times makes driving difficult, then there is the tremor which is in both arms and my right leg. The shaking of my arms make doing many things difficult, like sending texts often I hit send in the middle of a word or hit the wrong letter and trying to fix the error is a task and a half.

Also this year I had bursitis in my right hip making moving and walking extremely painful and now I have it in my right ankle making moving, walking and standing extremely painful. I am so over all the pain and not being able to move.

Yes I still get up and exercise each morning but truth be told sometimes I wonder why I try, all in all life is so hard and painful at the moment.

I don't know what I would do without Kathy-Lee who is such a big help, often I just want to go to bed and cry.

What did I do to deserve all this pain and hassle.  


  1. I am so sorry you are in so much pa in. I hope and pray for healing. sandie

  2. I am so sorry that you are going through so much pain. Kathy-Lee is God sent to help you. I hope the pain will go away soon.

  3. I love you, Jo-Anne. You didn't do anything to deserve it.

  4. I'm so sorry. I know how you feel about wanting to go to bed and cry some days. I'm glad you get up anyway and keep trying. Some days my fibromyalgia gets me down but having my little granddaughter her every day gets me up and moving. Thankfully. I hope your spirits are uplifted soon.

    1. Yes our grandchildren give us a reason to do things, I have Leo three nights a week and have to get him to and from school each day

  5. That must be brutal. I feel for you.

  6. Dear Jo-Anne, you didn't do anything for all this to happen. I'm sure you know this but the continuous pain day after day is like acid that just drips on our spirits and wears us down. Erodes us. I hope you can take time each day to settle into that deep center of yourself where your spirit truly dwells. I think Oneness dwells there and in Oneness we are all united/connected. So I send you, in that Oneness, peace pressed down and overflowing.

    1. Exercising each morning helps me connect with my oneness and sets me up for the day

  7. Oh I am so sorry to hear of your pain. I can relate. Both my husband and I are in daily chronic pain. Some days are better than others, but it is our reality.

    It's easy for me to say, but try not to get down. Just take it all, one day at a time and know you are not alone.

    1. Yes I take life one day at a time and some days are better then others


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