Monday, 16 May 2016

Six things Monday

Welcome to the first ever six happy things Monday, this is going to be an ongoing thing for Monday's as I think it will be an easy to do post on Monday's. So here are six things that I am happy for and about today.

A nice clean house

The love of my family

Warm Autumn days

Seeing my grandchildren

Having help with the ironing

Being able to lay the seat back in the car and have a nap while waiting for Blain to get out of school


  1. Sounds like a great Monday Jo-Anne.

  2. I like the nap in the car bit.

    1. Yeah it feels good to be able to do that, at least if I nap in the car I don't worry about being late to the school because I overslept

  3. Trying to come up with something for which to be happy. Today is my first day back at work after being in Florida.
    Oh, I got it! I have a job. Guess that's kinda happy.

    1. Considering how many people don't have a job having one can in fact be a good thing

  4. 1- It may not be clean, but it's not a sty. Good enough for me!
    2- Always cool especially around my birthday!
    3- I'd be happy with a warm SPRING day around here...
    4- Got that (kinda) Sunday
    5- Ironing? Who irons?
    6- Nap coming up in the next half-hour...

    1. I only iron Tim's work clothes and anything that really looks like it needs an iron

  5. Hi, dear Jo-Anne!

    This list making is a great idea because we never realize how good we have it until we take stock. The most important item to me is having the love of your family. If you have family... you have everything. I am pleased to have you as a member of my family of good blog friends.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. I know some people who do not have the love of their family, people like Tim his siblings couldn't care less about him and he hasn't spoken to his father in many years.

  6. Nice! Sounds like a great Monday plan, too! :)



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