Monday 9 May 2016

Overheard Conversations

Have you ever over heard a conversation and thought what the hell..................

Recently I have had that thought a few times after over hearing spinets of conversation, such as the other day while shopping I heard a couple of women talking about blogging since I am a blogger this caught my attention, what the woman who blogs said made me think what the hell.........what did she say you wonder. Well she was talking about having some blog friends and was explaining how they are kind just online friends, then she said that she had discovered that this one blog friend was black. She then said she doesn't sound black in her blog, which made me think what the hell does that mean how does one sound black I don't get that, the way she said it was as if she was shocked that the woman was black, I thought who bloody cares what colour her skin is what matters if she is a nice sounding woman and if you like what she blogs about and such.

Then on Friday afternoon while I was waiting for Leo to get out of school I could hear a couple of people talking about Mother's Day and how some women are missing out not having children, that they couldn't get why some people would choose not to have children. Now these people are allowed their opinion but it was the way they said it.

I feel sad for those who want children and are unable to have them, but not everyone wants children and they may not feel like they are missing out on anything.

Also just because a woman of couple do not have children doesn't mean they have chosen not to have them unless you know for a fact why they don't have children you should shut the hell up and keep your opinions to yourself. That said if you know they have chosen not to have children then you need to respect that they are not you they can chose not to have children if they want to do so.

I will talk about my Mother's Day tomorrow since I started this post on Saturday and with one thing or another I am only getting around to finishing it and posting it today, Monday. 


  1. People can be so stupid. Yes, Jo-Anne, I agree with you...What does a black blogger supposed to "sound" like and what difference does it make as to ethnicity? It would be a very narrow minded person that doesn't want and appreciate diversity in our world.

    As for the "having or not having" children. Each to his own. Such a personal choice and not for us to question other people's choices.

    The people you had the misfortune of over hearing sound like they might be rather narrow minded people.

    1. Yeah I thought how narrow minded that must be, I don't think at all what colour bloggers are I visit or who visit me, I really don't care.

      As I said why people chose to have or not have children is their decision and not for me to judge

  2. I do feel sad for those people who can't have children. There is not Father's Day or Mother's Day for them as we know.
    Doesn't matter what colour people are, or what country they came from - they are human.
    Sometimes is very hard not to hear conversations that strangers are having.

    1. Yes at times when I am the school waiting for the boys more Leo's school then Blain's it is hard to not listen when they are close to the car and talking loudly and at times what they say catch my attention and not always for good reasons.

  3. I have had face to face conversations where I thought WTH--LOL! People have all kinds of beliefs and they continue to amaze me. As mine might amaze them. But I don't try to change them and I don't like anyone trying to change I just listen...and try not to let my eyes go wide if they can see me--LOL!

    1. Yeah not letting how much of an idiot you may think someones opinions are show in your eyes and face can at time be difficult. My sister is great eye roller and if she thinks what you said was stupid she will roll her eyes often without realising she is doing it.

  4. Amazing how people in this day and age just find more ways to express opinions without thinking. I thought I was bad...

    1. So true at least they gave me something to blog about

  5. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    I appreciate your musings. Some people think all black people use Ebonics and street slang to communicate. That isn't so, and you're right. All that should matter is that you enjoy the person's blog and their friendship.

    Helen and John Ettline, owners of the Shady Dell, did not have any children (for whatever reason), yet they did a better job of parenting than the biological mothers and fathers of many young Dell patrons. I chose not to have children and that doesn't make me odd or a bad person. It was simply a feeling I had inside, my own personal choice.

    Thank you for expressing your opinion on these subjects, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. Thank you for coming over for a visit, take more then genes to be a parent it takes love and understanding and some people don't have their own children but they can help care of other children if that is what they want to do. Not everyone has to have children



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...