Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Photo Wednesday and more

Hi Wednesday, what the hell happened to Tuesday, oh yeah Jo-Anne kept getting distracted each time she sat to try and write a post. Leo had to go to the doctor as he has conjunctivitis, so off school till Monday but at least he doesn't need drops or anything as it is suppose to be viral. The weather is pretty hot, Blain is going on a school excursion to Merewether Baths hope he has a good day.

Tim and I went out this morning looking at caravans, he was surprised at how much they cost, more then he wants to pay so he said we will just keep looking, however, since we will need to replace the car next year as it will need a lot of work for it to pass for rego again so Tim said we will just trade it in and get something newer. So if we are going to do that I think the caravan can wait it is not a must have like the car is or a newer motorbike for Tim.

Anyway since it is Wednesday I will post a photo for photo Wednesday, this week it is my brother Dave and sister in-law Leigh because it is Leigh's birthday 


  1. I'm going to need another car myself soon. It never ends does it?

    1. I know every few years a newer car seems to be needed

  2. That's a nice photo. Your brother is a handsome man. I dread the day that I'll have to replace my car. It helps that my son is an auto mechanic. He'll keep my car running as long as he can.


    1. Thank you we think he is a handsome fella, cars always seem to need work or replacing

  3. I have booked a holiday to NZ. Bill lost a filling and went to the dentist and he can't fill it again as too much tooth has gone so it needs a cap for over $2000. Now we will be scraping the barrel to get to NZ.

    1. Yeah a trip to the dentist can send one broke now days or maybe in any day

  4. Happy birthday to your SIL. Nice picture of them.
    Cars are expensive. I can imagine if you need to upgrade both a car and a cycle that a caravan may take a while.
    I hope Leo gets better soon.

    1. Thank you Leo is doing good, yeah I think a caravan is low on the list of things to get

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Enjoy the next birthday celebration and yes, always decisions to make as time races on with us caught in the middle of it.
    That's life!

    1. Yes that is life indeed, seems to be one thing after another in life

  6. Always good to have a reliable vehicle, the caravan can wait as you said..


Sierra Nevada Red Fox

                   This week we are looking at the Sierra Nevada red fox.  Then we have the Sierra Nevada red fox which is found in the ...