Thursday, 5 November 2015

A School Meeting

Hello bloggers, it is a nice cool somewhat wet Thursday here I didn't do a post yesterday because I just didn't feel like it, I went with mum to Dawson's school for a meeting about what Dawson will be doing next year, mum and I planned to go to see nan after the appointment at the school but didn't get to see nan as by the time we were finished at the school we just didn't feel like we had the time to do so.

Mum and Michelle had been told Dawson would have to go to a different school next year Jesmond High instead of Wakefield he can't stay at Wakefield as that school isn't able to have senior students as in years 11 and 12 so since Dawson will be in year 11 next year he has to go to a different school.

Mum thought that he would be going into mainstream schooling but that isn't the case, he will be going into a class for students with emotional behavioural problems the class will only have 7 students in it and is in the seniors only part of the high school, so no younger children to annoy Dawson. Learning this made both mum and me as well as Michelle feel better about him going there.

Now mum and Michelle will have to sort out how Dawson will get there, hopefully he will still be able to get the “taxi” there and back, it is not really a taxi it is a school transport scheme, he gets picked up and dropped at the school and in the afternoon he get picked up and brought home this costs nothing and means that mum doesn't have to drive him. The principal told mum that he may not be able to get it as they may say mum drives so she can drive him but this is not something mum wants to do, she does enough as it is and she will be 76 next year. Oh well we will see what happens.

Today we had wanted to go to the cemetery to visit pops grave as it is 5 years since he passed it was 5 years yesterday but it has been far too wet to go there and the ground would be so bloody wet and muddy so we gave it a miss.

Tasha had a phone call from the Department of Housing yesterday about the letter I wrote a week ago saying how she is fed up and leaving the house and moving back home with me and her dad. She told them that she is done she didn't want to hear their lies any more she has heard it all before and she is just so fed up and will be out of the house as soon as she can arrange storage for her belongings and can sort out the spare room in this house. She said she wasn't rude but was firm and yes she cut the woman off but she said she is so over it.

I really don't know how it is going to work with her and Blain moving back here but we will see and there is no way we would tell her they couldn't come home as that is not who we are we are always here for our daughters.   


  1. That is you exactly: You would never tell your family that they can't live with you. That's why I love you so. You are there for them, no matter what. I think seven students is a good size for a class, no matter what the situation. When my daughter went to prep school, the classes rarely had more than ten or twelve students in them, and sometimes had four or five. The individual attention makes all the difference.


    1. First thank you for the kind words about me, next yes I think 7 students in the class will be a good size, I don't like the fact that mainstream classes have between 25-35 students in them makes it hard on the teacher.

  2. I hope this school will work out well and things will also work out for your daughter moving home with Blain. Family is family. :)

    1. Yes family is family and for me family is so important, we all hope the school works out if they can get transport to the school he should be ok, fingers crossed

  3. Family should always be able to come home, it's nice that your daughter and grandchild can..

    1. Yes indeed it is the way I was raised, my parents have never said any of us could not come home if we wanted to although I have never wanted to, just saying

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    It seems there are never-ending tough decisions to take!
    Hope all works out for the best.

  5. Sounds like you're about to have a full house again. Just think of all the blog material this will give you!

  6. I'm glad he's getting into that class. It will do him a world of good. I had a friend who was in a special needs class in high school and it had about ten kids vs. our thirty and she flourished in there. Best of luck!

    1. Yes I think he will do well in the class and I expect he will like it I just hope we as in mum and dad get transport to the school so that my mum doesn't have to drive him

  7. I hope it works out well for you. It's been quite an experience having two move back in here. But they are messy and that's the main problem I have. That, and the fact that they I am here to serve them. Ha!

    1. Well thankfully for me Natasha is a neat freak so she is the one who will be having a problem with how I don't clean as often as she does.

  8. Seven students is fantastic!
    The class sizes around here can be completely out of hand.
    Family is family and you always do for them. My sister-in-law has lived with us for over a year and it's NEVER felt like anything but a blessing.

    1. Yes such a small size class should be great, the school he goes to now only has a few students to a class as it is a very small special school


Sierra Nevada Red Fox

                   This week we are looking at the Sierra Nevada red fox.  Then we have the Sierra Nevada red fox which is found in the ...