Sunday, 15 November 2015

A wet Sunday at Jo-Anne's Place

Hello Sunday and what a wet Sunday you are, this morning I woke up when Tim's alarm went off at around 6ish and spent the morning reading and writing blog posts as well as doing a load of washing which because it is raining has gone in the dryer.

Tim is at work and I am home with Leo as Jessica wanted to go and do some shopping this morning without Leo which is ok as long as she isn't late getting here to pick him up I would like her to get him around 12.30 at the latest, so I will be able to go and have a nap as I get so very tired so very easy now days.

My mum said I should tell the girls that my weekends as child free so I have been thinking that I might suggest that once a month I will have a child free weekend not sure how Jessica is going to feel about this as she does like me to have Leo one night of a weekend.

However, as mum says no one watched her children just so she could have a night off, and no one watched my children so I could have a night off, what is this crap about wanting a night off, Jessica says that I had her dad to help with the looking after the children and she is on her own but let's be honest here Jessica your dad wasn't a big help all the time, yes he was here but I d id 90% of the work looking after you girls that was just the way it was.

I have been feeling like shit lately my arm is aching so much and when I am tired my balance is shot and all in all I just feel like shit, I have had a few nights when I lay in bed crying from the exhaustion and the aching arm.

I am scared of what the specialist is going to say about my arm, I am scared of getting worse, of becoming a burden on my family and yes I know they don't think that way but it doesn't stop me feeling the way I am feeling as I sit and type this my arm is aching and my hand shaking when I stop typing.

It is only just after 11am and I am so tired I would love to be able to go and have a nap but can't do that just yet as still have Leo here.

Anyway that is all for today's post I am too tired to think much and finding it difficult to stay awake.


  1. Oh, I hope you got a nap.
    I agree with your Mom. You should have child-free weekends...all month, though! They should think about your health and welfare and not just their own wants. Tell them you need your weekends. If you keep pushing yourself you might end up not being able to help at all. You have to be kinder to yourself and physically take care of yourself.

    1. I know I push my self pretty far, I have trouble saying no, I will start with one weekend and work my way up to all weekends.

  2. I agree with your Mum AND with Rita (above)! Why should everyone have a break except you?? It isn't your responsibility to bring up other people's kids - if you help out, you are doing them a favour and they should be grateful for whatever you CAN do, not expect you to do everything. It sounds like you need some TLC yourself - I hope your arm gets better and you have a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks as I said to Rita I will start with one weekend a month and work up to all weekends child free, it isn't so bad when Tim is home to help with Leo and most of the time he isn't any trouble but by Friday I am worn out and need a break

  3. Jo-Anbe, do get rest and take care of yourself. If you get ill you will not be able to take care of anyone....your mum is right...
    I had no one to look after my children at all...

    1. My mum is usually right about things, I think this new generation of mums expect things to be easy and still expect to have a lot of free time to do stuff not what being a mum is all about though

  4. Kids these days feel the world is owed to them. Not all of them, though. KC has told his friend Jessica what he thinks about her leaving her kids with mom for the weekend all the time.

    1. Yes many young parents think they can be a parent and have time off to themselves which is just so wrong it is not the way it is

  5. I fully concur with what your other commenters have said, Jo-Anne. When each of us elects to bring a child into this world, the duty and responsibility of raising that child lies with us. Should a grandparent kindly offer yo help on occasion, that's a bonus bad ought never to be taken for granted. You are far too selfless, but your symptoms and emotional state are a clear indication that you need to start putting yourself first. At least, until you have seen the specialist and had all the necessary checks. Also, please do discuss your current emotional state with him. Sending you big hugs xxx

    1. You like the others are so right, I just find it hard to say NO and when I do they will often nag and beg until I change my mind and give in


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