Monday, 2 November 2015

Nothing much on this Monday

Hello Monday and what a lovely Monday it is, at the moment it is not too hot nor too cold so just so nice the type of weather I like.

This morning I was going to go for a walk but it was a bit wet outside so I decided not to bother, this would make my mum and daughters happy as they don't like me to go for a walk, as they worry about me after that day when I was losing my balance and had difficulties walking.

I drove Leo to school this morning but really didn't feel like doing so but Natasha didn't want to do it and I had to take Leo's school clothes and school bag over to her place as of course they didn't bother to take his school stuff home with them yesterday.

Natasha has started to move some of her stuff in, she has brought over all of Blain's clothes and Xbox games and a few of his toys, we will be setting a bed up for him in the next day or so or so she has said.

I hope she is happy living here, I am not sure how she will be as it is not easy in my opinion when adult children move home with their parents but it is what she wants to do, I wrote a letter off to the Department of Housing telling them that she is done and wants out of the house she is in so much that she is prepared to move home and share a room with her soon to be 10yr old son. She said he will have the bed and she will sleep on the lounge.

On Saturday night we had one little boy come to the door trick-or-treating and I gave him something although I don't do Halloween I thought it was only one boy so why not.

I have been watching the tv show Banished set in the early days of New South Wales, convict days how hard life must have been for those early settlers I can't imagine but they some how managed and survived and built this great country.

That is all I have for now, my brain isn't working much so I will just post this and maybe tomorrow I will be able to write more  


  1. Goodness, a daughter and grandchild living with you and your husband. Yes, I know what that's like from last year, with son, wife, and their 3 little ones for months. We all got on well, which was so lucky.

    Banished, haven't heard of it but it sounds my type of thing to watch. Hopefully it will come my way.

    1. Yes I remember when Kelli and Daemon moved out Tim said never again would anyone live with us but I knew he would not tell Natasha she couldn't come home

  2. When I moved to Florida a little more than five years ago, my son lived with me for almost a year. He was a great help, but as time passed, we found we couldn't live together. It's difficult for an adult to live with a parent. We are happier now that he has his own house. I hope your situation works out. We had cooler weather for a week or so, but now it's hot and humid again. I had to turn on the AC this afternoon.


    1. I wonder how it will go with them here but we will see she will be at work from around the middle of the day till really late at night

  3. Enjoy the climate as it is. Walking is good for the health,but need to take care of your health too. Take care...

    1. Yes I do love to walk I like how relaxing it is, I usually get lost in my own thoughts when I walk

  4. I'm glad you're enjoying the climate there. It's nice here in Oregon at the moment- a bit breezy and in the mid 50's, but not cold. I love walking, but unfortunately, due to health issues I am unable to walk as often or for as long as I'd like. Have an awesome day.

    1. I would love to be able to go for nice long walks but I can't at the moment I become too tired and end up stumbling around like I am drunk so I am going for only short walks

  5. We didn't even hear any trick-or-treaters. I guess they all go to the mass events these days.

    1. My daughter had a few at her place but not many, I think the mass events can be good


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