Monday, 30 November 2015

Monday's Report

Good afternoon everyone, it is now Monday afternoon for me, I had a somewhat busy weekend. Friday was Dawson's end of year presentation and I as always went thankfully it was held in the morning and I was able to go and do food shopping afterwards and on Saturday I went and did other shopping and paid my layby's and such.

On Thursday just pasted I went to the appointment with the specialist over at the hospital and got no bloody answers, it is too soon to tell what is really causing the tremor although the doctor has prescribed medication that may help control it this I will pick up this afternoon or tomorrow morning. The chemist I see didn't stock it and had to order it in so that is why I am late getting it and starting it.

This morning I had to go and have three teeth filled cost us $897 for three fillings and I still need two more done next week. I don't handle seeing the dentist well, for many years now I find after the stuff they inject to numb you up wears off I start to feel unwell and get a headache and don't feel like doing much.

Over the weekend Natasha started to move a lot of her stuff in her bed is here now but the fridge, washing machine a lounge and some other stuff is still at her place her dad will move the fridge tomorrow along with the washing machine. She isn't keeping the washing machine she is just going to move it out of her house and leave it on the side of the road someone will claim it, her fridge is coming here though.

Seems I will not be having Blain here this week, since his dad and Kelli found out that I let him use his Xbox while grounded, so he is going to Jessica's place. Yesterday I was feeling betrayed this was because I felt that Kelli shouldn't had been snooping around the bedroom and she could had said something to me instead of telling his dad, also I was accused of encouraging Blain to lie to his dad and yeah I get that it seemed that way. I did tell Blain not to volunteer the information about using the Xbox, I did say don't lie if asked but if not asked don't say anything.

Also I heard from Jessica that I would not be having Blain not from Jono or Kelli or even Natasha but Jessica, Jessica went on and on about how I can't be trusted to discipline the child and how I let him do stuff he wasn't allowed to do. I have always been soft when it comes to discipline this is not new, also Kelli told me that I am not to ask for her help again I assume she means with Blain so I won't.

So yesterday I was in a right mood, I snapped at Jessica, I snapped at Tim and I felt like I had been punched in the gut, not that I have ever been punched in the gut so really don't know how that feels but you get my meaning. Kelli said she doesn't know if Jono will forgive me but you know what if he does he does if he doesn't he doesn't, I am not going to tie myself up in knots stressing over it, I can't change what has happened. It is what it is, was I wrong yeah I was, this I know.

Sometimes we do things we shouldn't do, but we can't go back and change anything and what's the point in holding grudges and stressing over stuff, Jessica said yesterday that I hold grudges, who the hell is she thinking of, being pissed off for an hour or so isn't holding a grudge, it's being pissed off for a bit that is all, by the afternoon I was over it and had moved on.


  1. I had a difficult weekend. I think family problems should be handled with private conversations. I received the results of some blood work. Apparently, the results show some health problem. The doctor wants to see me soon. I won't go because I detest him. I can get a new doctor at the beginning of January. I'll show the blood test results to my friend who is an RN. She'll be able to tell me what they mean and how serious they are. I'm sorry for your difficulties. Perhaps family members shouldn't expect you to take care of their children and then criticize the way you do it. I would have been grateful if I'd had help when my children were young. I was so alone. People need to show more gratitude to you.


    1. Thank you, when my girls were little I didn't leave them with my parents for a break but I did have Tim but at times he was not that big a help he was here and would watch them when I had a bath although it didn't stop them from knocking on the door and walking in to ask me something or tell me something that one of their sisters had done. Many days I felt like I was doing it alone as Tim would be at work all day and when he was home he was too tired to do much

    2. My ex-husband traveled a great deal. When our children were young, he wasn't at home very much. He always put career before family. It was a shame because now we don't have a family.

  2. They certainly know who you are and that you are not a disciplinarian, especially when you haven't been feeling well, and yet they expect you to drop everything and babysit whenever they want you. It's not like they don't know how you do things. If they don't like it--make other arrangements.

    I hope you can find out what the health issues are--soon!

    1. Yeah I was told I could let Jessica deal with him but I didn't feel the need to do that maybe Jessica should have told me she wanted him and not leave the decision up to me as of course I would not chose to send him there that is not me

  3. Oh dear Jo-Anne, you got into trouble....grandparents are inclined to not discipline too much :)

    1. Yeah that is my thought, I am such a big softy

    2. That's part of being a grandparent or an auntie. We aren't as tough on the kids. We get more enjoyment out of our time with them. It's not as if you let the children run wild and destroy things. These people are too hard on YOU, and if you like, you can tell them Janie Junebug, The Queen of Grammar, said so.

  4. Joanne, I have been reading your blog for years. You are the most benevolent, helpful person on the planet....that's why I read your blog. You don't have a dishonest bone in your body. Your daughters and your nieces and their "live ins" take serious advantage of your kind nature. Tell them to buzz off for awhile, take care of yourself and let them raise their own children. So there.

    1. Why thank you, whoever you are, yes I am a giving person and yes I am a big softy and no I am not going to change and let's be honest I don't think my family want me to change

    2. I agree completely with the "Anonymous" comment.

  5. So sorry Jo-Anne. Seems for all the good things you do for your family, you get so much less good in return. You certainly don't need drama at this stage in life.

    1. Yeah I know but such is life, I am a big girl (really big) and I will indeed not change

  6. I'm with anonymous. They all want you to do THEIR job Their way. You are a grandma, what you did is what grandmas do except in their slightly bent version of reality. Were it me (and I know it ain't and you DO want to see the kids), might do it more often to get a little peace.

    $900 bucks for the dentist? Ye Gods, let me just gum the stuff...

    1. Yeah and have to go back next week for another two fillings at a cost of $497, yeah I am nanna and I let the grandchildren get away with a lot


Woman's work in war times

First up there is a new post over here: Now for today's post. During the secon...