Sunday, 23 August 2015

My Saturday and Sunday/the holiday has began

Guess what everyone, the clip to do up my Cpap mask broke, yeah seems like nearly every trip something bloody well breaks on it, I think I can manage to do it up somehow we will see and when return home I will need to get a new clip. Oh yeah I am somewhat tipsy atm due to the scotch I brought with me to drink as Tim says I deserve to have a few drinks while on holiday. If I drank the same amount from the mini bar it would have cost me $75 as it is $15 for a small 50ml bottle..............who pays that not me that's for sure.

Have arrive in Christchurch New Zealand and after a lot of driving, u-turns and going back to the airport for Tim to get a map because he said he must had left the GPS at the hotel in Sydney. While he was going into get the map I checked his carry on bag which I suggested he check and was told he had and it wasn't in there and you can guess what I found the GPS sitting on top of everything, I asked him if he checked the bag with his eyes close. We had macca's for tea after going to Countdown aka Woolworths to get some wine for Tim and other stuff now we are in for the night, we are here for two nights so tomorrow we will be doing a bit of sight seeing around Christchurch


  1. So you are already there. Enjoy.

  2. Scotch and Woolworth's... now THERE'S a combination!

  3. Have a great Vacation! A young man from our church moved there with his family and opened a Church there... I think the name is ReChurch.
    Blessings, Joanne


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