Friday, 28 August 2015

My Thursday and Friday

Ok we have arrived in Queenstown not that cold here but the "motel" isn't a motel it is more like a backpackers lodge didn't realise that when I booked it, the room is so so but breakfast is included, although we had to walk up a heap of stairs to get to our room I would call this place a fail on my part but we are all allowed to screw up a bit and it could be worse. At least it is clean and doesn't smell or anything like that although it is one of the more expensive places we have stayed in about $15 more then were we stayed last night. I am going to have to make sure in future to request ground floor rooms since it is too hard for me to lug luggage up flights of stairs.

Hell everyone just spoke to my darling daughter (Tasha) via Facebook will speak to the other girls later as they would be busy getting children from school at the moment. We have had a long and busy day, went on a cruise of the lake then we went and went and saw some fish via an underwater observatory that was great. Then we walked around the town for ages looking for somewhere to have lunch each place we looked at we thought was too dear so we ended up going to KFC instead. After that we went to a place called Arrowtown to look through a museum this was great I like historical museums and so does Tim now days. We are now in for the night stopped and bought pizza from Domino's


  1. Sounds like you are having an awesome time....hard sometimes to find meals at a reasonable price when travelling and not knowing the area...keep enjoying.

  2. Stopping by to say hello. Now, with all this KFC and Dominos talk, I'm feeling a bit peckish. Time for supper.

  3. I love getting away. It always gives me something new to blog about.


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