Saturday, 8 August 2015

Hey Hey It's Saturday

Hey hey it's Saturday and yes I didn't get around to doing a Five things Friday post this is because by the time I got home had food and Blain was picked up by his dad I just forgot about it so instead I am doing a Saturday post about well nothing much.

I have started walking again I go 5 mornings a week, I have to wait till after Blain goes to school on the days he is here but this morning I went and I have already increased the distance adding 5 minutes to the walk so now I am up to 35 minutes, the first day I went again I only managed 20 minutes that was on Monday so things are improving I am hoping that in about 6 weeks I will be up to an hour walk of a morning.

Yes it is often bloody cold when I go for a walk in the morning but I wear track pants and a long sleeve top with a singlet and gloves on my hands.

On Thursday my cousin Kristine mentioned on Facebook that it was the 20th anniversary of her dad's passing, her dad was my Uncle John and he was hands down my favourite uncle and I still dream about him often.
Uncle John 

In many of the dreams he is with my grandfather (Tom) dad's father and sometime he is with my other grandfather, mum's dad and yes I often refer to poppy Jenkins by his name (Tom) this is because I didn't feel very close to him, in fact I have felt like he didn't like me much for most of my life, this I think is because as a teenager he told me that he thought my sister Sue was a better daughter and person then me.

Today is Landon's 3rd birthday and I am going to go over to my brothers place for a small family party the only people invited are my parents, my sister Sandra and her girls and myself, I will take Leo with me as I will have him this afternoon and night. I think Landon's mum and her dad will also be there.

It is also my nephew Tom's birthday he is 20 today, so happy birthday to Tom.

Well I am going to post this and then pop out to the shops for a bit as I need to go over to Coles at Mount Hutton to see if I can get Blain's soft drink they didn't have it at Coles at Warners Bay yesterday.

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