Friday, 14 August 2015

Five things Friday/no more then five things just so you know

Well here we are at Friday yet again, and this week for five things Friday I am just going to tell you five things I did yesterday, as way of explaining why there was no post yesterday ok, here we go.

Packed school lunches for both boys

Went to the library

Went to Kmart to get new school shoes for Leo

Went to Coles to get a few things as in Pepsi Max I was out.

Went to Dr's to pick up script only to be told they had posted them out, so wasted trip

Picked up boys from school, Blain was late as he was playing handball yet again.

Watched Leo while Jessica went and did some shopping.

Had a bath, then mum rang and I was on the phone to her for about 40 minutes this is the norm, she rings me every night at around 6.10pm and we talk for between 30-40 minutes doesn't matter if I have already seen or spoken to her during the day.

Want to know what I did bad telling you anyway............

Got up, got dressed applied make up packed the boys lunches

Went to Charlie to do my shopping well some of it then went Coles down the road to finish it

I am soon to leave to pick up the boys from school, then home for a hot bath before I feed Blain or maybe after if he wants Henny Penny as I will stop and buy that on our way home from school

Ok that's it I am posting now............


  1. You have been busy then. My mum used to phone me everyday when she was alive...

  2. Playing hand ball again. Dark side, he didn't learn from last time. Bright side, a whole lot worse things he could be doing...

    1. Yes you would think he would learn but not of course not I don't mind if he has a quick game and is still out and in the care by 10 after 3 it is when he takes forever to get to the car that I get annoyed

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Busy and busy always.
    I've also had some hectic weeks and yesterday pulled of a successful Etiquette Class for 11 girls, one got sick and couldn't join. My mid-back is hurting...
    Sending you hugs,


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