Tuesday, 4 August 2015

History Tuesday/Internet

Welcome to history Tuesday today I am going to touch on the history of the internet and internet banking, can you remember what it was like before we had the internet and when it was first available in homes, remember that it was for a long time only available in business and academic institutions.

Do you remember the old dial up, and not being able to use the phone while you were online unless you had two different phone lines in the home on for the internet and one for phone calls, I do but it seems like it was so long ago now.

We had dial up for many years as for a long time after broadband came in now company would touch us as they said that it would drop out too much, in the end Telstra connected up to broadband and we are still with Telstra and for the most part we are happy with the connection although it does drop out at times for now reason.

How about internet banking this is something we think of as a newish thing but in fact it has been around since the early 80's what the hell is with that didn't realise it was around way back then. From its humble start online banking has morphed into a sophisticated and convenient way of accessing finances that many us now simply couldn't live without.

Did you know in the 80's & 90's banks would actually mail us a flobby disk with software that we could install onto our computer that allowed us to check our balances and make transfers but usually it cost us to do so, unlike now days when online banking is free of transaction fees as such.

Meanwhile, in other parts of our lives, the internet has been racing ahead. The way we date, shop, contact friends, rent houses and look for jobs has all changed forever. In general, our banks’ websites have not been a patch on Facebook, Youtube, or even Ebay. But all this seems to be changing. It is safe to say the way we interact with our bank on the web is going to be very different in only a few years time.

Now days most of us can't imagine not having the internet, it is everywhere, schools have it students are expected to know how to use the internet and a computer in fact many children learn how to us a computer and surf the net from a very young age.

Both Blain and Leo are great at finding stuff online sometimes they ask for help but Leo once I have found the right page will tell me that's ok nanna I have it from here and shoos me away while he does what he wants, plays the games he likes and watches the videos on Youtube he loves to watch. 


  1. I love my WiFi! The TV is even hooked up to it. Or it gets the signal. I don't know how to describe it. Dial-up was terrible when The Hurricane was a teenager. She was online for hours. We missed many phone calls because we didn't know she was using the computer. I only started using internet banking a couple of years ago. Getting the floppy from the bank is funny and seems so old fashioned now.


    1. I know its hard to imagine life without WiFi we are so used to it

  2. The internet has really changed our way of life and there is more yet to come in the Information revolution.

    1. Yes I agree there is lots more to come we have no idea what new things will be invented

  3. great way to remember the Internet in the past. It's certainly changed most of our lives in the way we do many things..

    1. Yes it has made a big change to the lives of so many

  4. We've come a long way. I hope it's in a good way :)

  5. The boys would have hated dial-up, right?

  6. I was just talking to my husband about this, how excited when we got our first computer and I could send emails instead of having to write letters. And yes, I remember dial-up. What a pain in the butt that was.

    1. Oh yeah can you imagine how children today would be if they had dial up and the internet dropping out sometimes because someone was ringing in

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Yes, this is such an integral part of our lives that we cannot do without anymore!


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