Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Monday and Tuesday in New Zealand

Day three of our holiday after getting up we went to the Antarctic Centre which was bloody great when on a hagglund ride which was awesome, and we saw little blue penguins talk about cute. After lunch we went on Gondola ride and no it's not on water but think enclosed chair lift and that also was bloody great, I did have a moment on the way up when for some reason I felt a little scared but it pass quickly and coming down no problem all in all a good day.

Ok today was spent driving from Christchurch to Dunedin after checking int the motel we set off to see a castle, yep the only castle in New Zealand and have to say I liked it although Tim wouldn't let me climb the narrow winding stairs to the roof as he said I would only fall on the way down hate to say it but he was properly right..............lol This motel room is large and nice and I have just had a shower and will give mum a call in about half an hour, will have to plug this laptop into a power point to charge the battery there is limited power points Tim had to get on the ground and unplug the electric blanket so I could plug my Cpap machine in for the night.


  1. Hi, dear Jo-Anne! What a great holiday you are having there in New Zealand - the Antarctic hagglund ride, penguins, gondola and a visit to a castle! Did you know there is a town named Dunedin near where I live in Florida? Enjoy the rest of your getaway, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. Yeah we are having a great time, but I am missing my boys and my girls aka the grandchildren, yeah I am missing my daughters but not as much as the grandchildren

  2. I love penguins. The gondola ride sounds fun. I'd like to see the castle, but I wouldn't trust myself on the stairs. I'd be sure to fall. I'm glad you're having a good time.


    1. Tim said the view from the top of the castle was amazing but really thought I would had fallen down the steps if I had tried to go up there

  3. You don't have many power points then.
    Sounds fun your holiday...keep enjoying.

    1. Not at the motel we stayed in last night tonight is much better power point wise

  4. Hadda look up "Hagglund", sounds like a lot of fun!

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Happy to read that both of you are off to a nice escape!
    Well deserved and enjoy the coming days as well.

  6. Chairlifts scare me rigid! I've just been reading your holiday posts - fantastic!

    1. Me too I am scared stiff of open heights, have been on a chair lift once in my life and not wanting to do it again, the Gondola was great since it is fully enclosed


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