Monday, 9 March 2015

Very Inspiring out of here

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I have been nominated by Susie who can be found here:
Here are the rules to follow if you decide to accept the award, my friends:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, in my case Susie from Thank you, heaps.
2. List the rules and display the award.
    3.Share seven facts about yourself. Well, here they are
    4.Display the award on your blog
    5. Share 7 facts about yourself

Ok I am not nominating anyone but if you follow me and want the award here it is feel free to consider yourself nominated.
Now to share 7 facts about myself:
I prefer butter over margarine
I have sleep apnoea
I am short and fat
I am happy with who I am
Tim things I have too many photos on my walls, I don't
I was pregnant with Natasha when I got my drivers licence

I have crocked middle fingers on both hands


  1. Personal things about you, nice to know :)

  2. I’m in love with your blog It was so interesting to read your posts and also I’d like to say that you have beautiful photos! I know that it requires so much time to update blog, but keep doing it!)
    I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

    Diana Cloudlet

    1. Thank you I do like blogging and I do it for me more then for anyone else.

  3. "I am happy with who I am" is the best trait of all.

  4. Hi, dear Jo-Anne! You are a very inspiring blogger and I congratulate you on receiving this special award. Thank you for revealing more about yourself. I too have suffered from sleep apnea, enjoy papering my walls with photos and have crooked middle fingers (caused by arthritis).

    Enjoy your Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

  5. You, of all people, are inspiring because you give so much of yourself to your family.


  6. Butter is always better... And crooked fingers help get it out of the tub.

    1. I rarely use my fingers to get the butter out of the tub

  7. I love how you do this with awards. I do the same. I do batch them in groups of five ... LOL.

  8. You certain do deserve this! You always make me smile. That's for sure.


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