Saturday, 14 March 2015

Hey Hey it's Saturday..................Kelli-Jayne

Hey hey it's Saturday, I am sure everyone noticed I didn't do 5 things Friday yesterday, why well because by the time I got home at the end of the day I was exhausted and my brain just wanted to rest like my body so you all go nothing.

However, it is a new day and I am up dressed and ready for the day although I did sleep in till 9.30am don't do that very often but what the hell it's Saturday and I don't have to go out so why not be able to sleep in.

So what am I going to write about today, well it is my niece Kelli's birthday today she is 21 today what the hell why did I not remember that yesterday when I got her present, for some reason yesterday I was thinking she would be 20 today but not she will be 21.

This I know because she was born on Monday the 14th March 1994 at John Hunter Hospital in Lambton, in the great state of New South Wales at 14.43pm by Caesarean Section she was 6lb 15 oz's or 3160 grams in weight and was 48 cms long or 18 inches. Her name is in fact Kelli-Jayne jut saying 

Kelli is a Pisces this means she is compassionate, devoted, accepting and imaginative but she can also be indecisive, over-sensitive with moments of feeling lazy and when really sad can be drawn to self-pitying according to a web search I did on Pisces. The site I went to was this one:

Moving away from the technical stuff to me Kelli is a loving and wonderful, caring person and mother, she is the mother of Daemon and step-mother figure of Blain and she loves her boys as she calls them like any mother would.

I formed a bond with Kelli when her and Daemon lived her for 9 months, although it was difficult to get her to come her she wasn't sure she would like it here and I had to talk her into coming but after a while this became home and she felt relaxed and comfortable here, well I think she did.

Kelli is one of those women who was born to be a mother, just saying. She is the youngest daughter of my sister Sue and her first husband Rex. I refer to Kelli as my sweetheart all my girls have a name I call them starting with Sandy who is my baby girl, Kathy who is my precious first born, Natasha who is my darling daughter and Jessica who is my special girl.

I hope Kelli has a wonderful 21st birthday..................Aunty Mum loves you Sweetheart..........


  1. Happy Birthday! Don't worry Friday, we all need a break sometimes..

  2. Happy birthday to Kelli! Hope she had a special day. :)

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    You are a devoting and sweet Aunty-Mum!
    Happy Birthday to your special girl.

  4. Aw, you are such a kind sweet person. A big Happy Birthday to Kelli. I hope your had a fantastic day. 😊

    1. Thank you she does read this blog so I am hoping she sees all the nice comments

  5. Happy Birthday to Kelli....some people are just born you say.

  6. Happy Birthday, Kelli!



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