Sunday, 22 March 2015

Hey Hey It's Sunday

Hey hey it's Saturday  Sunday so you are getting a run down of my Saturday on this lovely wet overcast Sunday. So were to start, let me think should I start at the start of the day and work forward or maybe I should start at the end of the day and work backwards hmmmmmmmmmm

Ok decision made I will start with the start of my Saturday, which had me waking with a headache, so I get up get dressed because I am straight out of bed and dressed for the day person, not a fan of sitting around half the day in my nightie. So I get dressed take my morning medication and sit to do the blog rounds and then write a post, some days I read blogs first other days like today I write my post first.

Anyway as I was saying I was doing the blog rounds and my headache was getting worse, so I decided I needed to have something to eat so I walk into the kitchen open cupboards and the fridge and can't decide what I want to I return to the computer, this I do about 3 times before I decided to drive to Macca's and get some breakfast.

Oh I might add that Tim took our car to work so I had to drive Natasha's car and my plans of going to the library to return stuff went out the window, or more to the point off to work with Tim as the stuff to go back to the library was in my car. So I drive to Macca's I order and waiting to advance through the drive thru and the guy in the car in front of me gets out if his car and walks back to tell me that he noticed that there was a large stream of water coming from my car, so then I decided I wouldn't go out in it again and came home, sent Tim a text telling him what the guy said when I looked back to were I had driven I could in fact see the water.

Let's move forward a couple of hours around midday my headache was really bad I decided to take strong pain relief and go for a nap but before I could lay down Natasha, Jessica and their boys turned up the boys run in give me a hug and then Natasha and Jessica start kind of yelling at each other about how Natasha left Jessica sitting in a car with 2 boys who took to fighting to get over being bored for an hour.

I ended up just going to bed and leaving them going at it in the lounge room, now while I was laying down I remember Natasha coming in saying she was taking her car, I also remember telling her about the water coming from the car. So I think I hear her leave in her car but when I got up from my nap her car was still here, so I thought I must had heard wrong.

The the next thing I know Jessica and Leo are back here she has decided to let Leo spend the night here, we talk for a while and she leaves. Oh I might add my headache is still hanging around and getting worse again.

When Tim gets home he says to me Tasha broke down, I said no when, he said this afternoon at the top of Bayview about half a k from my place anyway I say not that I know of, well it turned out she had taken her car and a hose had come off and she broke down at the top of Bayview. She rang Jessica to help her and she brought the car back here and now that is something else for Tim to look at.

By this time it is after 6pm and my headache is really getting bad and I was starting to feel unwell so I tell him that after Leo has his night time medication I was going to bed, he said ok but I could tell he wasn't really ok with it. So by the time I went to bed at 7pm I was feeling so sick in the tummy and thought I was going to throw up at any time, after only maybe 15 minutes in bed I had to go to the bathroom coughing and retching. Leo was concerned and brought in the little orange bin from the bath room just in case I threw up and couldn't make it the toilet, I asked him what happened to the rubbish in it and said I emptied it in the big bin and you need it just in case, he then said but try not to throw up in it as they you would have to clean up yuck vomit...............
I thank him and try to sleep but the smell of Tim cooking was really making me feel so much worse that I had to shut the bedroom door around 7.50pm I ended up throwing up (yes in the toilet) of course after I threw up I felt better and went straight to sleep.

This morning I am much better, no headache, and I will be having the girls and grandchildren here for lunch, I am doing silverside with mash and veggies.

Right now I am heading out with Tim and Leo to do some shopping I want a new electric knife as I lent mine to Kelli last Christmas and she still has it but Tim said she can keep it and we will buy a new one.

Ok home again and just in time to post this while it is still in the AM, Kathy and the girls are here and Kathy is sounding frustrated because Sydney-May says she is hungry but she will not eat anything, Kathy is fed up with making meals and tossing most of it out because Sydney-May will not eat. 


  1. Sounds like a really rough day all around. Hope today is better. :)

  2. I'm pretty sure that's the kind of day where you just go back to bed and try again the next day. :) Hope all is WAY better now!

    1. Yes all is much better now had a good Sunday and Monday has kicked off good as well

  3. Wow, there's a day for you, huh? My weekend has been pretty peaceful. Nothing going on except hanging around on Blogger.
    How lucky for you that I'm here!

    1. There are some days that makes one want to just stay in bed

  4. I got a headache from reading all you did on your weekend:)

  5. Leo is a caring child. Good on him for looking after you, as you have and do for him.
    Do you get migraines Jo-Anne?

    1. Yes I do get migraines, thankfully they usually only last a day or so.

  6. IT sounds like a very tough day on Saturday..I know that theres tough days in our life's all the time. The important thing is to know that we can always learn from those hard days.. I will pray for your migraines..but Luckly there is always someone that can help us in little things like Leo. How do you think you see the Love of God in your life?


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