Friday, 27 March 2015

Five Things Friday.................parking

Damn it is Friday again, as you may have noticed I didn't do a post yesterday, why you wonder, ok you properly didn't wonder but I will tell you anyway. I was run off my feet yesterday, I had Summer all day and had to take Leo and Jess to the dentist, Leo had an appointment to check his teeth and his mum couldn't take him on her own so I had to do it. It was just one thing after another all day and it was last night when I was in bed that I remembered I didn't do a post. So you all missed out on Motivation Thursday, but now it is Five things Friday, so here we go.

Complimented on my parking skills, not once but twice today

I can't drive into a parking spot very well

I can, however, reverse the car into any spot

Both Blain & Leo here for a couple of hours, hope they don't fight

Felling so tired I could go to sleep now, it's only 4.21pm........what the hell 


  1. Have a nice sleep! It takes time when we go to hospital and make us tired...

  2. Poor Nanna. It is hard work looking after little ones. No wonder you are so tired.

    1. It is when they fight, and they did end up fighting and having nanna in tears because they wouldn't come when she called

  3. Sounds like you need a good long sleep. Days like that are exhausting.

    1. Yes they are but I am feeling pretty good this morning

  4. mid afternoon is when I start to get sleepy too!
    Blessings, Joanne

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Congrats on your reversed parking skills. In The Netherlands you had to be able to park into a small space, just enough for one car; in-between two cars by reversing and turning in to the curb. It had to be perfect lined up against the curb! Not necessary here in the USA as parking spaces usually are very generous.
    We just got back by 2:00 AM on Saturday morning from our 6-day vacation in Arizona. The journey home tires too... 3 hours time difference and before you get to bed after 3:00 AM it is rough. Hope tomorrow I fall back into the routine of things here on the East Coast of the USA. We had a lovely time though and very nice weather. Here it is very cool and even frost for tonight.


Swift Fox

This weeks’ fox is the swift fox. The swift fox is a small light orange-tan fox around the size of a domestic cat found in the western gra...