Monday, 28 April 2014

My Bloody making me feel like death warmed up

Woke up feeling like death warmed up, my head feels like it is too heavy for my body and my chest is aching, I got dressed in the hope that doing so would help me feel more alive but hasn't really worked. It is another wet day outside and quiet cool as well.

Will have Jessica and Leo here tonight I think as school goes back tomorrow, I will have to tell Kathy that I have to take Leo to school so will not be able to watch Summer for her while she takes Sydney-May to her swimming lesson. I expect it will piss Kathy off but it can't be helped it is just the way it is.

Just turned on the telly and Dr Phil is on have to say this guy can really annoy me at times, I get so fed up with his stupid unrealistic opinions at times. Yes I know he say a lot of wise and sensible things as well but at times I think he is living in a cave and not the real world. Often I will just turn him off and not bother watching the show because it is annoying me so much.

On the topic of annoying television there are so many stupid shows on telly now days really at times I wonder what makes something something would make a good tv show. Maybe I would change my opinion if I watched some of those shows I think sound like a stupid idea but to be honest I just don't want to.

I didn't go for a walk this morning due to the wet weather and the fact that my head is so heavy it feels like it could fall off my body and roll away. I am also very tired even though I had a good nights sleep.

Yesterday while she was here Kelli made a strawberry cheesecake and some choc chip biscuits and have to say they are nice and yummy.


  1. Luckily we have "Antenna TV" which re-runs old shows from the 60s-80s. I sure hope your head feels better soon lest the Dr. decide to amputate it.

    1. Yeah I like to watch a lot of old tv shows as well, the head is feeling better today

  2. I hope you feel better soon! I don't even have cable anymore. I just survive on netflix. So many crappy shows.



    1. I am feeling better today my daughter only watches shows she has downloaded

    2. I do hope you stay feeling better. That last picture really made me laugh!

  3. I can't stand Dr. Phil. He may occasionally have some good advice but his own life is such a train wreck, I don't feel he should be telling others how to live their lives.

    1. I am with you, a lot of his advice is unrealistic and not practical he seems to think teenagers can not be good parents and that really pisses me off,


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