Friday, 18 April 2014

Good Friday

Hello everyone, it's Good Friday today here in Australia and that might mean a sleep in for some people but not for me I have been up since 6.30am Leo had me awake at 3.30am but only long enough for me to come out and put the telly on for him, he was awake around 3ish and at 3.30 he asked if he could watch telly so I got up and came out and put it on for him and told him to wake me in a couple of hours. He came in at 6.30 and asked me if I would get up and of course I did.

I went for my walk around 8am after giving Leo his medication his mum sent me a text half an hour ago saying she would shower and leave they will stay for lunch which is only fish and chips from the chippy.

However on the topic of food and fish, I don't eat seafood, never have, never will I reckon but you would be amazed how often I have been asked what I eat on Good Friday since I don't eat seafood. What is it with people just because I can't eat meat doesn't mean I have nothing to eat, hot chips are yummy, as is chips and eggs or a toasted cheese sandwich. There are lots of things a person can eat that is neither meat or fish.

Now I am not overly religious but I do not eat meat on Good Friday, just because I don't go to church each week or at all doesn't mean I am not a good Christian I believe in God and Jesus and I prayer a lot I don't feel I have to go to church in order to have my prayers listened too and answered. 


  1. :) Good Friday is tomorrow here... I have the day off, and the next 9 after that... which makes it a very good friday in deed. :) After sleeping in and making pancakes for the kids, I'm working on siding the garage. Then? who knows... vacation is a wonderful thing!

    1. Pancakes I love l pancakes and sleeping in that is also a good thing

  2. I'm a vegetarian, although I do eat seafood, but people always ask me what I eat. And they always think I miss eating meat for some reason, which I don't. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I don't think I could give up meat or chicken mostly chicken I love chicken

  3. Have a nice Easter. Eat chocolate instead of fish. hee hee

    1. Yeah I could do with eating chocolate instead of fish any day

  4. I'm not a big fish eater and I live right by the sea! I agree with what Diane said---go for the chocolate!

    1. I have a lot of chocolate in the house and haven't touched any of it. I am a good girl

  5. I don't care for fish. They have to be VERY special for me to even try. I eat very little meat but some bit.
    This is Good Friday this Sunday is special to those of we Christians. xox.

    1. Yeah it is a special time of year for those of us who believe in God good to know I am not alone in the not liking fish.

  6. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Easter. :-)

  7. I am late getting caught up on blog reading so Easter has come and gone. I agree with you about, you don't have to go to a church to be religious. I think it is more important in terms of how you live your life and treat others.

    1. Yes Easter has passed and another week has begun


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