Saturday, 12 April 2014

Easter Hat Parade and seeing the diabetic doctor

Hello everyone, here I am back again, have to say yesterday was a busy day for me after taking Leo to OOSH I went to breakfast with the family then did a little bit of shopping before going to Leo's school for his Easter Hat Parade. This year he wasn't as excited as he was last year, in fact as times he looked bored/sad, after the parade we got him out early and Kelli took him back to Jess's place for a while before they came here.

Yesterday was the last day of term for school children and both Dawson and Zac were at breakfast following in the Jenkins tradition of not going to school on the last day of term, myself and my siblings often didn't go on the last day of term and my own girls often didn't go on the last day of term. Often on the last day of term not a lot of school work is done, what is done is usually done in the morning and the afternoon is spent backing up stuff ready for the holiday I know teachers usually say they do school work right up to the last bell of the day but I have been on the last day and that is not often the case.

I came home had a quick bit to eat then headed over to the Royal (hospital) for an appointment with a diabetic doctor about what to do about my high BGL's, he has started me on something called Victoza I have to take this injection each night at 8pm for a month and then go back to see him if my BGL's are lower then he will start me on Byetta which is similar but cheaper and I will have to take that twice a day. If my BGL's are not lower I will have to go onto insulin instead.

I was also given a lecture about my diet, how I should be eating better not less just better but he was a nice doctor and sounded like he understood that is is not always easy to eat the right foods and he said even though I am walking every day and eating mostly good, he thinks it would be a uphill battle for me to lose weight and suggested I look into having surgery. He suggested gastric sleeve surgery but I don't know I will look into it what he was talking about didn't sound like what I thought gastric sleeve was but I will go to where he suggested and ask them about it

Anyway I have started the injections from last night it is nothing doesn't hurt or anything and in fact both the doctor and the nurse said my approach to having to give myself infections was good, I said if it needs to be done then so be it no point stressing over it, just get on with it.

What was strange was the doctor asked me if I had an Aboriginal blood in me because of how dark my skin is, ok I don't think my skin is that dark but whatever, he looked at the back of my neck and under my arms, asked about bruising and then talked to his trainee/student doctor about whether I could have Cushings What I do know is that he wants me to have a heap of tests done before I go back, he doesn't think I have Cushings but also said I have a number of the symptoms.


  1. I'm sorry you need the injections, but I'm glad you can tolerate them. I'll have to read about Cushings. I've heard of it, but don't know anything about it.


    1. Yeah I have to read about Cushings myself, like you I have heard of it but know nothing about it.

  2. Boy, it's always something! Hope you don't get stuck on shots for too long. Too many people like me are ungrateful for good health when we have it.

    1. Yes it is always something but that is life and for the most part it is good

  3. I hope all will be well and there is no Cushings. We all of us have enough to deal with and sometimes I wish we all of us got a little LESS to deal with we must. xoxox

    1. Yep I agree we all have to deal with some crap at some point in our lives sometimes it seems to be a lot going on in our lives that we have to deal with but deal with it we do

  4. Sorry you have to do the injections but I agree if they are necessary, then it is just better to get on with it. Hopefully, they will have the desired effect and will help take care of the problem.

    1. Well this morning my BGL was 8.7 and that is the lowest it has been in a long time so maybe the injections are working fingers crossed things continue to improve.

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