Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Being a mum

Another day another dollar, well not for me I don't make any dollars, I have a job that doesn't pay ever..........................but it is the job I have always wanted so I guess I can't complain, well I could complain but what's the point this is the lot in life I chose. If it wasn't what I wanted then I could complain and justly so but it is what I have always wanted ever since I was a child. I remember my nan asking me once when I was a teenager what I wanted to do when I left school and I had no answer, all I could think was I want to be married to a man like my dad and be a mum like my mum.

When my girls were young Tim and I attended his bosses sons wedding and I remember being seated at a table with a bunch of people I didn't know and one of them asked me what I did and I said I was a wife and mother. She replied so you don't have a real job, I came back yes I do I am a wife and mother and that is a very real job and a very demanding and rewarding job and I love being a wife and a mother. I was in fact rather pissed off with her comment about not having a real job.

For many years I have listed my occupation as “mother” on forms that have been filled in, and yes I have had other people say you don't work outside of the home and that statement doesn't bother me because I don't my job is centred around my home. I have noticed that I also get the statement “you don't have a paying job” this is also right as I don't get paid to me a mother, thankfully I have not been told I don't have a real job in years.

I also don't like the term “full time mother” all mothers are full time mothers even if they are not around their child all the time and go out to earn a living they are still full time mothers, that is to imply that working mothers are only part time mothers, what a load of rubbish any working mother will tell you she is no less a mother then one who stays home and devotes her days to caring for her child. Also I think most working mothers would love to be able to stay home with their children but in order to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies they need to go out and earn money.

I am glad we no longer live in a time when a career woman would be expected to end her career or put it on hold to raise the children, if a woman spends years studying or training for a career not a job but a career then they shouldn't be expected to just throw it all away if she wants children. No one ever expected a man to toss his career in to have children.

Well I didn't expect this post to be about being a mother when I started typing funny were things lead when one just allows her hands to dance over the keyboard.  


  1. Bravo, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say.

  2. I love your post. If you could see my posts on each of my sons' birthdays you would see why. I was born to be a mother of course! :-) But I feel privileged to be so. Each child was and is a joy. xxoo

    1. Yes I also feel privileged to be the mother of 3 wonderful girls

  3. Great post Joanne. I never stepped foot out the door until my son was 16.....but he was raised in a bar room. The customers held him, passed him around, fed him, watched him in his playpen....and outside the window when he started to grow up. Shorten the story....I married into a dairy farm and my son sat in the tractor cab, or on the hay wagon.....then started chores at age 6. He drove the manure spreader at 8, the silo unloader at 10, and milked at 12. I was "not working" according to social security....until I stepped out the door to sell real estate. I hate it when someone says I didn't work until my son was 16.

    1. That is so wrong and what a great life your son has had being a mum is the best job ever

  4. I, also hate when people make comments about working at home as a wife and mother as not being a REAL job. Just because a person doesn't get a paycheck doesn't take away the fact it is a worthwhile job.

    1. Yes and women who go out to work, have to often go home to do all the housework as well

  5. I'd like to see some of those who are quick to respond with such stupidity whether they could do the job you do and have done for so many years. I did it for 3 years and it was difficult for me, therefore I have nothing but respect for anyone who can stay home and raise their kids and take care of their home! Kudos to you! XX

    1. Thank you Barb, there are times when it isn't easy and is oh so stressful but I do love it

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, there will always be people that love to degrade the most important job of being a Mother and raising your children. Be it fulltime at home or parttime, doesn't matter much. It is the love that pulls everyone through.
    And even if there is no cash reward for doing so, there is a lot of money being saved by carrying out this job. Your own hours are not counted but compare doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, sewing, mending versus having someone else do it and have to pay for it! THEN you would see the important role of being a stay at home Mom.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Yes there will always be those who like to put down us mums who chose to spend our time raising our children but we know it is the hardest and most rewarding job ever


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