Sunday, 29 December 2013

More than one "soulmate" not for me I reckon

Ok this post may make some people annoyed or think that I have no idea what I am talking about but I am going to write it anyway.

I do not get how a person can be married to their “soulmate” the love of their lives for many years and when they lose that person to death, they find a new “soulmate” only months after losing the love of their life.

Now I do believe that a person can find love again after losing the love of their life but really do you find another love of your life only a few months later.

It seems to me that we hear about celebrities finding love again only months after their soulmate has passed away and remarrying within the first year. I wonder if they have really found another soulmate so soon or if what they have found is a companion, someone to be with so they don't feel so lonely.

A person needs to grieve and that grieving usually takes time not a few weeks, I know if I was to ever lose Tim there is no way I would find love again I really just can't see it happening but celebrities seem to be forever falling in love.

Also it seems to me that a lot of celebrities don't do a lot of dating before finding their new soulmate they just do and I would think a person would date a lot of losers before finding their new soulmate but I may be wrong.  What do I know I have only ever been in love once and I am still in love with him yes Tim is my soulmate.

So do you think a person can find another soulmate only a few short months after losing their soulmate? 


  1. I would never say never, although I can't imagine that happening for me. But then, I've never been in the situation so I can't say how it would pan out - all I'm saying is that anything is possible!!

  2. I don't believe in soul mates. I believe that there are people that work hard to stay together, to love each other, and KNOW that marriage isn't about them, it's about WHO they married. In the case of death, it depends. Sudden death, I would imagine, would take longer to grieve, vs. death from disease, in which the onset is seen, mends can be made, and grieving the loss begins much before the person is gone.

    MANY celebrities are narcissistic, having always the need to be in the spotlight, therefore it would be difficult to have a marriage last, let alone be able to put themselves second and make a marriage work.

    I have loved as many as five men. Each in their own way, and each with the intensity that I was capable of at the time. And in the lifetime I have lived, I can honestly say that Tony is the only one who GETS me, inside and out. I know I would love again if something (GAWD forbid) happened to him, but it' would take a very long time to find someone worthy of the new love I would have to give.

    1. Yeah it is the celebrities that fall in love all over again 2 months after they have lost their spouse who they claim was their everything that I don't get.

  3. I think you hit the nail on the head. If you found a soulmate, no one else can be anything but a companion. Celebrities don't know the difference of a soulmate from a bedmate from a business partner.

  4. Rich was my soul mate and always will be. I started dating 9 months after he died out of boredom. 18 months after he died I met Bruce. I love him but its for different reasons. There cannot be a replacement but there can be new joy.

  5. Celebrities are weird in my book. I don't find them entertaining at all due to the impression I have of them which is not very high unfortunately. There are exceptions though.
    As for them saying 'soul mate' it's all for show to get attention from the media and their so called friends..

    1. Yes I agree with you they throw around the term soulmate to easy

  6. I think everyone is different. I know my sister in law could never find another mate like my brother. She has told me so. I know a friend who lost his wife after he cared for her for years and years. He was an athlete and is very fit for his age. It didn't take him long to find female companions for travel and dancing.
    I doubt I could find anyone to love as much as Bill but I might like to find a companion.
    There are celebrities and celebrities. Some are shallow and fickle but others are almost my son in law and his brother who are TV stars but also very loving husbands and fathers.

    1. Yes there are some really normal celebrities around I don't doubt that and there are others who are all about having their name in the papers. Finding someone as a companion is different then saying you have found another soulmate.

  7. I'm thinking about Britney Spears getting married for–what was it?–about 24 hours, and not long after the divorce she married a guy she barely knew and they had two children and ended up divorced. Jennifer Lopez has been married so many time. These people are always so madly in love and every time they've found the "right" person. X definitely was not my soul mate. Willy Dunne Wooters comes a lot closer, but I hesitate to say that anyone is my soul mate. You and Tim have been together so long. You are secure in your relationship. I rarely feel secure.


    1. Yes I so agree these celebrities get married to be in the news well that is my thought. Yes Tim and I have been together a long time now I can say he was my soul mate but when we first met he wasn't our love has grown the longer we have been together.

  8. I think there's a lot of people on the planet, so odds are you could be "soulmates" with a fair number. But choosing that commitment is a lot different than "feeling in love." Sadly (and divorce rates back this up), most people rely on their feelings about love which can be fickle.

    1. Yes a person may have more than one soulmate but I don't think a person is going to find another soulmate a couple of months after the last soulmate has passed away. You may find another person who makes you happy and who you could see yourself with for many years to come and you that person may come to be your soulmate after time but it doesn't happen in a blink.

  9. I am like you that I can't imagine after all these years being married to one man, that I could find another in a short amount of time. BUT since I haven't been in the position, I guess I don't know how I would handle it.

    I do think some people just can't stand the thought of being alone and are desperate to find a partner.

    1. Yes I think some people don't want to be alone which is why they go looking for a new partner and that is fine just don't go around saying you found another soulmate you haven't you have found a new partner

  10. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    They sure can find a 'mate' but NOT a soulmate! It takes time for cultivating a meaningful relation and for building a sound foundation. We talk about LOVE, not to be mixed up with passion... It ought to be a long lasting one, with a person you can trust forever and for good and bad times!
    You are very right on this one! By the way, those so-called movie stars are by no means a great role-model... I have absolutely no use for them and couldn't care less about their low morals and addictive lifestyles.
    Hugs to you,

    1. You are so right, and yes many confuse passion with love, and I also have little to no time for the so called celebrities they in my mind are no better than anyone else and make terrible role models


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