Monday, 16 December 2013

Dept of Housing

Well another afternoon has rolled around, this morning I took Kelli to the Dept of Housing so she could get an application form to go onto the waiting list for public & social housing, after getting the form we went to Centrelink to get an income statement then to her building society to get an account statement then we went somewhere to sit and fill in the forms after all that was done we took the forms back and handed them in. How long she will have to wait no one knows but at least she is now on the waiting list.

When Tim and I went on the waiting list way back when we had to wait 4 years to get a place, this place we are in, my daughters all had to wait only a year or two after they went on the list, except Kathy she was on the list for a while but once she had Sydney-May she was offered a place pretty quick.

We can only hope that because Kelli is homeless with a 2yr old son she may get offered a place pretty quick, I guess it is one of those things only time will tell.

Speaking of Dept of Housing homes, my parents have been told that a woman from the Dept of Housing will go and visit them on the 10th January and discuss mum and dad downsizing to a smaller house, they are in a 4 bedroom house and there is only mum and dad and Dawson there now. There really don’t want to more they have been in the house since 1980 and are settled there but as yet I have no idea what is going to happen, if they don't move they will be charged and extra $30 a week in rent so I don't know what they are going to do.

Yes I understand that they want to free up the 4 bedroom houses like my parents place and not always so a family can move into the 4 bedroom house but so they can knock it down and build townhouses on the block.

Oh yeah we got our rent statement today and guess what our rent has gone up again to $310 per week now that is another $10 increase, seem like that is all that happens lately the rent keeps going up and up.


  1. Does the DoH control all the rent in your city? I'm curious because where I live no single entity does, but I know in some cities like New York, there are laws on the books that apply to everyone.

    1. No they don't they only have control over Dept of Housing homes there are social housing companies like Compass Housing who Jessica is through their rent is also subsidised and there is private renting which is through an estate agent and that is not subsidised but some people also can get rent assistance from the government through Centrelink. We are in public housing through DoH but we pay full market rent as Tim earns too much so subsidy

  2. I'll say a prayer that Kelli will get a place soon and everything will work out for your parents. I'm sorry your rent went up.


  3. I hope Kelli gets a home soon. It is sad about your parents but I can understand the reason for downsizing.

    1. Me too I hate seeing her sad because she has not place of her own.

  4. That is pretty high rent for you. Everything goes up except income. I hope she gets into a place quickly. Fingers crossed!

    1. Yeah I know it seems high but truth is some places around here are between $300-$400 per week so it is about right

  5. That is interesting, Jo-Anne. We have nothing like that in our area. Rentals are nearly always privately owned. I can't imagine waiting 4 years for anything.

    1. There is public housing in every state of the county and some places have really long waiting lists others have not so long. They also offer 5 year leases


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