Sunday, 15 December 2013

Best Christmas Present

Good morning I am in a better mood this morning although it is after 11am as I write this and I have been up since 6.30am with Leo and have been out to the shops and now I am home again, hopefully I will not have to go out again and will in fact get things done this afternoon. I did manage to tidy up and vacuum out this morning I can tell you that a tidy house makes me feel better.

I will try and sort out more Christmas presents this afternoon, and of course I will have to sort out the weekly medications and I have some letters to write and some blogs to read and at some point I want to sit and just watch some telly.

Yesterday I was just feeling overwhelmed there seemed so much to do and I was in a mood where I wanted it all done instantly which of course is not the way things happen, everything takes time.

I was reading somewhere about  how Christmas and bikes go together and yeah there was Christmas when I got a bike and there was also Christmas’s when my girls got bikes as well. However as much as I liked my bike it wasn't my favourite Christmas present that was the little blue typewriter I got one year.

I remember my grandfather “poppy Jenkins” saying that it was a stupid gift to give a girl and I would never use it, just goes to show how little he knew me. I loved that typewriter and had it for years it in fact got a lot of use. It was the best present I ever got.

How about you, what was the best Christmas present you can remember getting?

Yes it did look like the one in the picture.


  1. I remember getting a bank that looked like a cash register from my Grandma and I LOVED it!!!!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. The year I got a washing machine. No more trips to the laundromat. It was awesome.

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    We never did give Christmas presents but we gave gifts on December 6 on Saint Nicholas' birthday. One of my favorite gifts was a special doll and she had legs that were made out of gypsum I guess. One morning when I got up, I found my doll and her leg had crumbled... that HURT like hell, like loosing my first baby. It could not be repaired. SAD.
    We usually got clothes and books so there is not much to recall as favorite gift. My parents did not have the money for giving a lot with seven kids to care for...

    1. This was interesting it is good to read about how different people do things differently, I don't know how my parents managed to do it giving all their kids a great Christmas year after year but they did

  4. That's a great gift for a kid!
    One of my favorite presents was a boom box--with a RADIO AND cassette player!

    1. Oh I remember when I was given a cassette recorder/player I loved that as well

  5. When I was 6 or 7 I got a baby doll I really wanted. Her name was Pretty Peaches. My mom sold most of our things at garage sales when I was a bit older, but I still have Pretty Peaches. I also got a blue carriage for her. It ended up belonging to the next-door neighbors after a garage sale.


    1. I had my typewriter for many years I was in my 20's when I got rid of it.

  6. I was DYING for an Atari in the early 80s. I about fell over and died of surprise when I got one for Christmas. I still have one!!!


    1. Atari that takes me back I remember wanting one myself for a moment, don't think we got one though

  7. I had an exact match to that typewriter and I LOVED it. I still have a typewriter in the house...although I haven't used it in a long time.

    1. I would love to have a typewriter again there are so many things I find hard to print using the computer and a printer

  8. There are so many wonderful Christmas memories that I have. I do not know if I can pinpoint one exact gift that was my favorite. :-)

  9. A record player of my own and albums to go with it. Hermans Hermits. I'm getting old. Glad you feel better.

    1. Yeah I remember my first record player I loved it, it was an old one that my great aunt had but it was great because it was mine it was in my room and I just loved it


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