Thursday, 5 December 2013

Which would you rather do, a little Q & A

1. Would you rather eat at a fancy restaurant or eat a good home-cooked meal? 
Good home cooked meal, I am not one for fancy restaurants, I think they charge to much and give you too little.
2. Would you rather go on a road trip to a big city or go to the country? 
Country I think love the scenery of the country but also love the city but I will stick with country. 
3. Would you rather receive $100 a day or $100,000 right now?
Although $100,000 would be great to have I think I would prefer $100 a day that way I always have money to spend and can't waste it on something I really don't need. 
4. Would you rather it be summer all year round or winter?
Neither I prefer spring when it is neither too hot or to cold, but if I could only chose between summer and winter than I will pick summer I think.
5. Would you rather watch tv or listen to music?
When I was younger the answer would had been music now as a middle aged woman I will go with watch tv, funny how we change as we age. 


  1. I couldn't stand having summer all year. Florida is unbearable during August and September.


    1. Yeah I like that we have changes in seasons makes life more interesting

  2. Whenever we go some place more upscale and they DO give you a decent amount of food, it is always duly noted because you're right: it's usually not enough

    1. Good to hear that I am not the only one who thinks they usually don't give you enough

  3. A good home cooked meal for me, anyday, too! I also prefer spring~

    1. Yes spring not too hot nor too cold generally speaking

  4. I'm right with you up until #5. Too much of my lost youth lives on in music.

  5. Interesting questions and answers. I would like to eat in fancy restaurants. I miss Rich's french cooking. I got spoiled!

    1. I don't know if I would like french cooking as I have never tried it and doubt I ever will

  6. Isn't funnier how the fancier and more expensive a restaurant the less food they give you! It never made sense to me ha ha.
    Spring is nice but spring here is ridiculously rainy and soggy.
    Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. I don't eat a big meal but I like to feel that I get what I paid for and many restaurants don't seem to do that. Spring here is nice most of the time

  7. Most of the answers are same for both of us...

  8. I want Fall all year round. Is there a place that does that??


  9. Your answers make me smile--we have similar ideas about money and how to live!


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