Monday, 23 December 2013

It is Christmas not Xmas for me at least how about you

“Xmas” is not a secular plan to “take the Christ out of Christmas”. X stands for the Greek letter Chi, the starting letter of Χριστός, or “Christ” in Greek. The use of the word “Xmas” can be traced to the year 1021 when “monks in Great Britain…used the X while transcribing classical manuscripts into Old English” in place of “Christ”. The Oxford English Dictionary’s “first recorded use of ‘Xmas’ for ‘Christmas’ date back to 1551.”

The above was taken from but have to say even though I understand this I still feel Christmas should be spelt Christmas not Xmas, maybe I am just a bit old fashion.

I would not like it if the spelling of Christmas was to change to Xmas and be the accepted spelling. How hard is it to spell the word right, in fact I could go on about spelling here but will not, I will save that for another post.

So how do you spell Christmas? Do you think it is ok to use the word Xmas instead of Christmas?

Maybe you think people like me are just fuddy duddy’s, old stick in the muds and should get with the times. You tell me. 


  1. Jo-Anne, I use Christmas and don't care for xmas.....same with 'kids', kids are goats, for me I call little ones 'children'....
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family..Best Wishes...Margaret xx

    1. Thank you I hope your Christmas is a great one, I also try to not use the term "kids" but either "little ones" or "children"

  2. I like Christmas, but occasionally I simplify by writing Xmas because I know I'm not taking away anything from Christ.


    1. I do not remember ever using Xmas instead of Christmas just not me

  3. The other day I was taking notes for a piece on Christmas songs, and even then I was abbreviating it "CM". In this day and age, "Xmas" just doesn't feel right.

  4. It's interesting that the X is chi for Christ in Greek, but I don't really care….I still think it should be Christmas! I love this post!!!

    1. Yeah I won't be changing from Christmas to Xmas even after reading this

  5. I spell it out. But I'm picky about details.

  6. 'Xmas' is silly - 'Yuletide' is the alternative used by hardass pagans.

  7. I would never use the word Xmas. It always grates on me whenever I see it, so I would like to wish you and all your family a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!

    1. Good to know I am not the only one who feels like that

  8. You are right on this one. I use Christmas. And on that note...I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas!!

    1. Thank you I hope you have a bloody wonderful Christmas yourself

  9. I, also, feel like Christmas needs to be spelled out. I think that the word Christ doesn't need to be abbreviated. Really how much effort does a 6 letter word take anyway?

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Jo-Anne.

  10. I always write Xmas. It's nothing against religion... I'm just lazy.



    1. To each their own as long as you are happy then all is good.


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