Sunday, 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone............Just a snapshot of my house

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.  ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

I borrowed the above quote from another blog right now I can’t remember who sorry……….

Ok it’s Christmas morning and for the first time in what feels like ages I had a good night’s sleep and Little Leo didn’t wake up till 7am which was good.

I had wanted to do a post yesterday but it took me 4 hours to get through reading and commenting on blogs with all the interruptions so in the end I just didn’t feel like it………………lol

I have included some before and after photos some taken last night and the after taken this morning after Leo had opened his presents. He got a Christmas sack of toys and a small Christmas stocking of toys which when he saw the little one he told me he had to get the little one too as it all wouldn’t fit in the big one, he sounded so cute when he said it.

He also got presents for nanna & papa and of course from mummy, we do not let Santa get all the credit for presents………lol


  1. Love Christmas. Lovely photos. Lovely you.


  2. That's a lot of presents:)
    Merry Christmas!:)

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your Family!

  4. Hi Lola........Thanks for dropping by, hope your day was as good as mine was

    GotThatSwing........Yes there always is a lot of presents

    Eva........Merry Christmas to you we had a great day

  5. I am sure you are sleeping peacefully, [or just about to wake up with Leo] but it looks like you had a grand time [especially Leo - I miss little kid toys. :)]

    Have a wonderful rest of the holiday Jo'.

  6. glad that you had a nice holiday! looks like leo was having a great time. Merry Christmas.

  7. Hi Skippy......Yes Leo had a great day he loved all his presents and I have had 2 good nights sleep which is also great.

    Hi Teresa........Yes it was a great day and Leo had a wonderful time and loved all his toys........


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