Monday, 5 December 2011

Good Morning Everyone

Good Morning everyone yes I know for some of you it isn't morning but it is for me so Good Morning.............

We have what looks like being a pretty good day outside not raining sun shinning so we will see how the day pans out........

Now I have my precious granddaughter Sydney-May with me for the day as it is Monday and she is getting use to being her for the second week in a row she just waved bye to her mum, no tears or carry on which makes leaving her easier for Kathy-Lee.

I also have Tim home for the day as he is doing an afternoon shift so he will not be leaving till sometime this afternoon.

I have sent out most of my Christmas e cards over the weekend and have done most of my snail mail cards last week but I am sure I will find more that I have to t send out so will be going over my list this afternoon and write any that I need to do so I can get them posted off sometime this week.

For the first time in ages I am all caught up with my mail so no letters to answer today....................


  1. Good for you to be on top of things. I'm going shopping for my grandkids tomorrow and I dread that one! Hugs!

  2. Loved the ecard! Good for you for being so efficient and getting things done-

  3. Good morning! Thank you so much for the e-card. So thoughtful of you. And now I'll say goodnight and get ready for bed.


  4. You are getting organized with your cards..I have yet to do, but will try to write some cards tomorrow.

  5. I wish I had things as under control as you do! Good job. :)

  6. Hi Barb......The older they get the harder it gets to know what to get them.

    Shelly....Glad you liked the card,I do not know how efficient I am but I know compaired to my sisters I

    Lola......I hope you had a great nights sleep, and you are welcome for the card please you liked it.

    Whiteangel.......Yeah I did some more cards today now I just have to get to the post office to post them.......oh and find the money for the

    Crystal.......I may seem to have everything under conrol but I an not sure if I

  7. Well your way ahead of me. I'm so far behind this year it's not even funny. Glad you got a chuckle out of my post. :)

  8. Lucky you to spend time with our grand daughter. Yes it would be nice to be a child again on Christmas morn

  9. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday :) That first picture is GORGEOUS!

  10. You are so efficient, Jo-Anne but I can tell it comes from your love of celebrations and giving out gifts! Since you love shopping for gifts, you could consider offering a service to others who hate doing it. People are prepared to pay others to take the stress out of it for themselves. Especially if you offer gift wrapping as part of the package.

  11. Thats great that you feel on top of things, I still have letters waiting to be written but hopefulyl now that I've completed my Christmas cards I'll be able to finish those soon.

  12. Hi Craziness......I am considered to be the organised one in my family, although I do not know how organised I really am

    Diane......Yesterday I had Sydney and today it's Leo.......

    Elisabeth.....I agree it is a beautiful picture.....

    Desiree......Now that is something to think about

    Bubbles.......It is so easy for mail to pile up

  13. Good morning to you! Glad to hear all is well.
    May be snow here sometime mid-week.
    Thanks for the e-card!


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....