Sunday, 18 December 2011


I am having printer problems and it is making me want to pull my hair out, the other morning when we woke up we could smell something burning it was an electrical burning so we searched and could not find where it smell was coming from, that is until I went to print a letter in the afternoon and realised that it was the printer that had burnt out.

So yesterday I took it back to Office Works and got a replacement yesterday afternoon I set it up and all seemed good that was until I went to print the letter last night and it was terrible it would not recognised the blue ink and then when it did it told me that it was it's was a new ink cartridge anyway I took it back again this morning and they replaced the blue ink for me and now I am going to give it another try after running the cleaning program.

This year we have not had much luck with printers this is the 4th printer we have had this year so here's hoping next year we have more luck with


  1. hugs and love that pic at the top too cute

  2. Wow! That's quite a run with bad printers. I hope the new one is perfect and lasts for years.


  3. That is one bad-ass looking pooch. Must be the red bow.

  4. I love your pictures today! And I do hope your run of bad luck with printers ends with 2011. I will be taking a blogging break for a few weeks so I can really relax into the holiday season. I wish you and your family a WONDERFUL Christmas, Jo-Anne and look forward to catching up with you in the new year. I imagine you, too, will be kept busy with the long school break and grandchildren wanting to visit their Nana! Big hug xoxo

  5. Goodness me, Jo-Anne how lucky in one way that printer didn't cause a fire.
    How frustrating 4 printers for 2011, thank goodness Office Works are good, I always buy our printers from there.
    Good luck with this new printer.

  6. We have had our Epson for years. What a pain yours keep breaking down.

    Hope you have good luck with the replacement

  7. You really have had a run of bad luck on printers haven't you? That's too bad. Hope today it's working and it lasts a long time. Cute doggie pic too! Some days I feel like that! haha

  8. Hi Jo-Anne. Yes, cute doggie picture! That must be so frustrating for you (to say the least!) with all that problem that you have been having with printers this year. Hope the new one won't cause you any problems.

  9. Becca......Yeah that doggie pic just jumped out at me when I was looking for a pic to go with this post, he is so cute..

    Lola.....Yes 2011 was not our year when it comes to printers, heres hoping 2012 will be a better one.....

    Al.....Well if you had a red bow around your neck wouldn't you have a bad ass look to

    Desiree.......Thank you for the Christmas wishes I hope you have a wonderful break and return to us all fresh and relaxed, today I will have 2 of my grandchildren here for the day.......Blain & Syd

    Whiteangel....Yes we where lucky that there wasn't a fire and you know the printer wasn't even turned on when it burnt out......

    Mynx........Yes we had a Epson at the start of the year but after replacing it twice we decided to give Brother a try but so far we have had 2 brothers but fingers crossed next year will be a better year with the printer.......

    Barb..........It worked last night when I printered up a letter so fingers crossed I have no more problems. Pleased you like the doggie.......

    Thisisme........Thankfully Office Works is only around the corner so easy to take them back and they have been so good with replacing them but I hope this one will last us for a long time to come.

  10. I have had troubles with printers! We don't live close to office supply stores to make it worth a trip either! I want to get one just for my work - so I won't mess things up for my husband's work.
    Hope this week is great for you!

  11. Thank you, Jo-anne, for your kind comments on my blog. It is indeed a miracle, and we pray for peace for the grieving family who gave the ultimate gift.

  12. Kathy.......How did we get by before computers and

    Felt Family......You are welcome and I ment ever word

  13. Goodness four! All these technical things we rely on are a pain when they do not function aren't they.


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