Thursday, 22 December 2011

A Leak and I Get Over Ruled.................But Such Is Life

Boy have I been busy the last two days and have ended up going to bed exhausted and to make matters worse I am not sleeping that great I have woken up so many times during the night it is not funny, I don’t know if it has anything to do with the fact that the last two nights we have had a grandson sleeping with us. I know if Jessica asks to stay tonight I will be saying no even if it does upset her although I don’t think she will ask………………..

Either tonight or tomorrow afternoon/night I will have to wrap up the last of the Christmas presents I keep telling myself to do it but I end up still not doing anything.
Today I went and picked up my false teeth boy do they feel odd, but I guess it will take time for me to get use to them at this stage I think I will only wear them when I am eating, as that is all I really need them for………………….lol

Yesterday afternoon Kathy rang me to tell me that water was dripping from the roof in her laundry, the leak is over the light fixture and this morning a plumber came out and he couldn’t find out where the leak was coming from. So she still has the leak and doesn’t know how long it will take for it to be fixed. This time of year is not a good time to need repairs done; at least she doesn’t have to pay the repair bill. Her house is beginning to smell due to the leak. Because she was stuck at home while the plumber was there she asked me to go to the shops for her to get her a loaf of bread which I did and of course it was very crowded and of course it will be just as bad tomorrow. I do not know how Kathy is going to cope tomorrow as she doesn’t do well with crowds. 

I was wrong Jessica asked to stay until after Christmas and I said no so now she is a little annoyed with me but she will get over it and I told her she can stay tomorrow night, why because I am a softy……………………….lol

Hubby just walked into the lounge room and I told him about Jessica wanting to stay and that I said no and he said why no he misses Leo and why can't they stay so I ended up ringing her and telling her I was over ruled by her dad and that they can stay...............


  1. Hope you get some rest soon! Sounds like you are very very busy! Take care and have an awesome Christmas!
    Blessings, Joanne

  2. The holidays are always insanely busy and stressful but in the end they are all about family. I hope that you enjoy her being there, even if it's not what you truly wanted, and get some rest once the holidays are over.

  3. Try to relax and enjoy Christmas.

  4. Happy babysitting this holiday. I am sure your husband will be more than happy to help since he misses Leo so much. And why is Leo sleeping with you instead of his own Mom. You need your sleep, so I would try to catch his Mom when she gets home and let him sleep with her. She is probably more than used to it.

    Take care and good luck. :)

  5. What a good heart you've got. Everybody wants to be with you. How sweet. Hope you get used to the teeth soon. I bet they look great. Hugs!

  6. My mom had dentures. She said the best way to get used to them was to keep them in as much as possible right away. It hurt, but it helped her in the long run; and you couldn't tell they weren't her own teeth. Since Tim wanted Leo over, let Tim take care of Leo.


  7. Hi Joanne.......I had another restless night last night but since tomorrow I will not have to get up early I am hoping that I get to have a sleep in tomorrow morning.

    Hi Jewels.....Yes holidays are busy and stressful but as you said it's all about family and I am lucky to have such an awesome family.

    Hi Diane.......Yes I will get to relax when I get home from Christmas lunch and then on Boxing Day........

    Hi Skippy......Tim does help with Leo thankfully and as far as him sleeping with me and Tim we put him to bed in his own bed but he always ends up in our bed as he prefers to sleep with nanna & papa....

    Hi Barb.....Thank you I know Jessica likes to stay because when she is here she has me to help with Leo and I let her go out after he has gone to bed if she wants to.

    Hi Lola........Yes my sister was telling me this morning she only managed to get use to her false teeth by wearing them to bed and my dad said he has had his for years and years and they still bother him which is why he only has them in when he eats and takes them out straight after he has finished eating........

  8. Christmas is the worst time for repairs as most things are closed at this time... here its usually the hitting that has problems so you end up freezing which is odd to think for you it will be too hot!

  9. oops I was still typing and pressed publish...

    I think its unfair to expect to stay when they have their own places now, I can understand Christmas eve and day but when you've got so much to organise its hard to get things done when you need to worry about what the grandchildren are doing. You should have told hubby he can see them tomorrow.

  10. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, your husband and family..
    Try to take it easy if you can :)

  11. hope you get some rest soon and things settle down

  12. Hi Bubbles........I hate it when something like that happens and you end up posting half a comment.....

    Yes it has been some what annoying that Tim said they could stay but at least they will go home on Boxing Day and I will have 2 days home alone and I am so looking forward to it.

    Hi Whiteangel.......Thank you I know it will be a great Christmas and I hope yours is just as great as mine will be..........

    Hi Becca........Rest will come on Boxing


Week 11 of 2025

  I was up at 5am as per usual after a shower I was ready for the day even though I only had maybe 3hrs sleep last night. Kathy and family...