Friday, 16 December 2011

It's Friday and school is out for weeks and weeks and weeks........................

It is at last Friday and for me it is the end of a long week I do not know why it has been a long week but it has felt like a long one, maybe it's because I haven't had more then 10 minutes to do anything on the computer without being interrupted.

It is also the end of term for schools here which means no more school till the 27th January 2012, while he is off school and his mother is working my grandson Blain will be either watched by one of his aunty's or his nanna unless he is with his dad. Now for reasons know only to her, his mum Natasha decided to let him have the last two days off school and since she was working both days he stayed with his Aunty Kathy. Kathy has said she doesn't mind having him but at the same time he has driven her mad with his constant questions, such as how old are you what's your name, how do you spell your name which are just a few of his favourite

At the moment I have hubby wanting to know what Facebook is all about and when I told him he was is that all I do not know what he thought it was, he had me set up a Facebook page for him a month ago but really it is beyond him he just doesn't get it. I think the only reason he wanted a Facebook account is because some of his work mates have a Facebook page and he wanted to do what everyone else was doing................

Yesterday I finished paying for my false teeth hopefully I will have them next week out of pocket cost for us was $396 the government paid $2400. It will be good to have back teeth again but it will also feel odd for a while till I get use to them I may only wear them to eat, which is what my dad does.


  1. We just some how have weeks like that, where the days seem to whizz but also seem long and full... hopefully you'll get some tim to yourself.

    I don't get holidays until Wednesday and can't wait, but first its going to be a painful 3 days at work. I wish we went back so late but we'll be going back on the 3rd Jan. Do you also get long holidays in your winter?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think it is this time of the year where everyone is so busy. Too busy to stop and smell the roses. We get a long holiday for the schools in our winter. We get about two weeks off of school but other places get three weeks off.

  4. Wow! That's a long time for children to be out of school. It's kind of funny about your husband and Facebook. Have fun with your new teeth.


  5. I do like children asking questions and helping them to understand.
    I explained Facebook for my husband and a few friends, the friends not being that computer savvy, all decided they didn't want Facebook which is their choice.
    Christmas is called the silly season, and I see many people rushing around more than usual and I really don't know why.
    Great that the children will soon be home for school holidays. I did enjoy my children being home and now I look forward to the time when my grandchildren will go to school and be home in holiday time.

  6. Bubbles.......Here the kids have a long break over Christmas and at other times of the year they only get 2 weeks off between terms......I am enjoying the rest of the day home alone now that Tim has gone to work. I also managed to get some blogs read and commented on this afternoon.

    Garnetrose.....Yes so many people are just far to busy at this time of year and I am not much different although I have slowed down in the last couple of years I am a bit more oragised now days and do a lot of online shopping as well.

    Lola.....Yes our Christmas holidays are the long school holidays in Australia, I really do not think Tim will get on Facebook very often.

    Whiteangel.....I always enjoyed having the girls home and out of school during the school holidays. I do not think Facebook is for Tim but he will have to figure that out himself.

  7. Who knew false teeth were so expensive! Wow! Glad you'll be able to chew better though.

    My husband hates Facebook. He thinks it's evil and that people get into trouble with x-boyfriends and girlfriends and marriages are broken up.

    I love Facebook. I find it very entertaining. :)

  8. Jo-Anne!! I just came from Becca's page and saw your comment on the sex post and the lingerie. I thought you'd appreciate this. It's awesome and beautiful and sexy and did I mention awesome?

  9. It is something now not being tied to a school schedule - I am at a point where I can choose what I do - fascinating! With all that I seem to be very busy still! My husband just doesn't want to be on Facebook - sees no reason to!
    Hope you have a great weekend,

  10. We don't get out of school until the 23rd and we only have 10 days off (okay, I'm too old to be a student, but I follow the kids' schedule. I don't get paid for days off, but I CAN sleep in).
    My college son returned home from Virginia on Wednesday and doesn't have to be back to university until January 16th.
    Mrs. Penwasser gets the day after Christmas off.
    I hope she's quiet when she leaves in the morning.

  11. Crystal......Yeah I had no idea how expensive false teeth cost either and I am also very glad that I was able to get mine during the time the government had a program to help pay for them.

    Cinderita........Yeah it is awesome thanks for the link.

    Kathy.....Yes I agree Facebook isn't for everyone,I like it but really do not think it is for Tim

    Al.....If it wasn't for hubby doing school runs at work I would have no idea when school terms start and end.....I hope you enjoy your sleep ins I find often when I can sleep in I will still awake up so bloody


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