Saturday, 31 December 2011

2011 Round Up

Today is the last day of 2011 and like most people I have thought about what a year it has been, for the most part it has been a pretty good year yes there has been some bad bits but I have put those bits behind me and I am only looking to the future.

In 2011 “My Blain” started school and he is such a big boy now, his first year of school went mostly well although in the last term of the year he did get into trouble at school a bit he had detention half a dozen times and even made a teacher cry one day by just not listening to her and throwing things around the room. I think his problem was that his mum had started working and was working everyday and not being there when he go home from school, his Aunty Kathy was picking him up from school most afternoons and she was taking him to school a couple of times a week also.....then there was the times when Natasha lost track of time and wasn't there to pick him up from school and it wasn't till the school rang her wanting to know why no one was there to get Blain and of course this would upset him very much.......................I think it made him feel as if his mum didn't love him as he is only just turned 6yrs old on the 12-12-11.

As everyone knows Little Leo has had some problems with throwing things and hitting staff at his day care, I am hoping that 2012 is a better year for him and that he also starts using the toilet in 2012, as it is very frustrating him still being in pull ups at nearly 4 yrs of age he will be 4 on the 8-1-12

Also in 2012 my beautiful granddaughter Sydney-May will start day care she will be attending the same day care that Leo goes to, she will only be going one day a week while her mum is at work. Sydney-May will be 2 on the 22-1-12.

My nephew Dawson will be starting high school in 2012 but he will only be going to the high school 2 days a week the other 3 days a week he will still attend “Wakefield” school which is the behavioural school he goes to. In 2011 he did really well at Wakefield and received an award for being the most improved student of the year. I hope 2012 is another good year for him and he continues to improve at school.

Now some of you may be wondering how I will see the new year in, well I think I will be alseep by the time 2012 arrives. I do have Leo for the afternoon and night and I told his mum that I was not happy with the fact that she expected me to have him from midday. I agreed to have him for the night but I was expecting her to drop him off sometime late this afternoon but no she was here when I got home at midday and wanted to leave asap and of course she did but I did make her know that I wasn't happy.

Anyway I hope all my online friends have a great day/night and an even better 2012........................


  1. "Just say no" -- Nancy Reagan

    You may think this is a silly suggestion, but I had a friend whose daughter was not very well potty trained at the age of five. She wet her bed every night. The friend's husband was seeing a chiropractor, who said he could make an adjustment to their daughter's back that would solve the pee problem. He did, and it worked. I don't know how, but my friend was trustworthy so I believed her. I'm sure I'll be in bed when 2012 arrives. Happy New Year!


  2. You are such a good grandma- but don't hesitate to say no if you need to. I hope your 2012 is spectacular! Loved the ecard- thank you!

  3. happy new year Jo-Anne. i hope things improve for the kids in 2012 and you have a very good new year.

  4. Happy New year Joanne, dont think it will be a late night for us either.

  5. Happy New Year! You are a wonderful grandma!

    I'm not staying up too late, either. I do have to stay up until 12:01 because I'm signing up to sell Thirty One gifts. LOL!

  6. Happy New Year! I hope the kids have good progress during the next year, and that things go well :)

    P.S. Found you on 20sb

  7. Hi Lola.......I have never heard of taking a child to a chiropractor to fix a bed wetting problem but you never know it may work. I will mention it to my daughter........I was in bed and asleep by 9.30pm as I was just so tired.

    Hi Shelly........Pleased you liked the ecard, I will try and say No a bit more often this year but will my daughters take any

    Hi Yevisha......Yes I also hope this year will be a great postive year for my darling grandchildren..

    Hi Mynx.....I was in bed and asleep by 9.30pm as I was just so tired. Hope your 2012 is such a great year........

    Hi Teresa......There was no way I could stay up to 12.01 by 9pm I could barely keep my eyes open...

    Hi Bea........I have high hopes that this will be an awesome year....

  8. Hi Jo-Anne,
    There's an old saying...
    "When children are little they step on your toes and when they are grown they step on your heart".
    Sometimes it seems the more you try to do for them, the less they appreciate it.
    I know... "Been there, Done that" ;-)
    Hope your New Year is 100% improved.
    Sunny gloW ☼

  9. you're amazing and I hope you have a happy new year

  10. Happy New Year, Jo-Anne I do hope it's a good one for you and your family..

  11. Happy New Year, dear Jo-Anne♡♡♡
    As others say I also hope the good improvement for your kids.
    May year 2012 be the happiest, brightest and healthiest one for all of your family!!!
    Love and Lots of Hugs to you, xoxo Orchid*

  12. I hope you will have an amazing new year :0) I only stayed up until 11 lol

  13. Hi glow......Thank you for dropping by yes this is going to be a better year I am thinking

    Hi Becca.......Thank you I do my best even if my best isn't always good enough for my girls

    Hi Whitangel........I am thinking postive so yes this will be a great year.

    Hi Orchid.....Thanks for the postive feed back this year has started great........

    Hi Elisabeth.......I would have liked to stayed up a bit later but just couldn't stay awake any longer then I did


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