Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Home Today

My parents arrived home today, they where not gone any where as long as they expected. Kathy rang me as soon as they picked up their car they leave it in the shed at Kathy’s house while they go away.

When they got home I got a text from mum asking where their bread and milk was, I forgot that I was asked to buy them so they would be able to have lunch when they got home. Anyway I rang them and dad spoke to me and told me that mum was angry with me and told me not to worry about it but later Sandra rang and asked me when I was bringing over the bread and milk then when I was at their house dad said he didn’t say that. I was upset about the way dad acted but hey I’m over it now.

I asked dad why he didn’t send me an email about the trip home and he said he had nothing to say I thought how lame dad you could have thought of something to say if you tried hard enough.


  1. Hi Jo!
    Wow you have been busy!
    I'm glad your over your dad's insensitivity.... Ah men... gotta love em.. right? LOL
    Hope you are well.

  2. Hello Jo-Anne,
    Called in to say hi, see you are in a spot of bother but you are over it...good on you.
    Take care,



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