Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Hello 2025


Hello 2025, I hope you are a good year and one that we create some good memories in as we travel through this journey called life.

Yes, it is a journey with many twists and turns, potholes and uneven roads often narrow with a long drop off one side and no guard rail to stop us falling off the edge.

The older we get the faster the years speed by and we need to concentrate on what lays ahead of us, only checking our review from time to time because only looking behind us means we are not seeing the wonderful things in front of us. So, as we enter 2025, lets notice the beauty in front of us because it's there if only we choose to see it.

Happy New Year, may it be filled with love, understand, compassion and acceptance. 



  1. Nice photo of you. Happy new year! 🎈

  2. Beautifully put. Happy New Year, my sister!

  3. The years do seem to pass more quickly the older we get. Happy New Year! I see lots of wonderful, good things behind me and in front of me.

  4. Good Heavens, do the years pass by quickly! However fast 2025 moves, I hope it brings you good things. Thank you for visiting my blog over the past twelve months, and happy new year!

  5. Very beautiful sentiments. Happy new year!

  6. Correct. I agree with you. Wonderful words.
    I wish you a happy and healthy 2025. Best wishes from Viola

  7. Very well said. Happy New Year Joanne!!!

  8. Your positive attitude about the year ahead will get you far, Jo-Anne. Happy New Year!

    1. I do feel we need to try and have a positive attitude it helps us feel happy with life

  9. Thank you, the year has kicked off nicely


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