Friday, 24 January 2025

Eritrea National Anthem

First up there is a new hodgepodge post over here:

This week we are looking at the national anthem of Eritrea, but I wasn’t able to find much information about it.

The national anthem is called, "Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea", it was written by poet Solomon Tsehaye Beraki and composed by organist Isaac Abraham Meharezghi.  This was back in 1986 and was updated in 1993 after Eritrea gained independence.

The anthem represents the common national consciousness that developed among the people of Eritrea during their nearly three-decade war of independence. 

These are the lyrics.

Eritrean national anthem

The English translation is this.

Ertra, Ertra, Ertra,
The barbarian enemy humiliatingly defeated
And martyrdom has paid for freedom

Decades of devotion for purpose
Your name became challenger, miraculous
Ertra, comfort for the oppressed
Proved that truth can win after all

Ertra, Ertra
A sovereign state on earth after all

Dedication that led to liberation
Will build up and make her green
We shall honour her with progress
We have a word to her to embellish

Ertra, Ertra
A sovereign state on earth after all





  1. Never heard of this country, either? Where is it? Africa? South America? Strange, haunting anthem.

    1. Yes it is in Africa, I wrote about the country last Monday

    2. Good grief! It was so alien to me I totally forgot the name of it.

  2. Somehow this anthem for me conjures up pictures of the Marx brothers leading a kazoo band...

  3. Haven't heard of this country, Jo-Anne. Their National Anthem is rather a nice tune.

  4. I only heard about it a week or so ago and wrote about it last Monday

  5. Just goes to show we live in a tiny space on earth. So many countries that we rarely hear about or are familiar with.

    1. That is so true, I don't want to just write about all the well known countries

  6. I haven't heard pf the Country either! It's good for me to learn it exists! I wonder if its name changed over the years...perhaps it was something else until independence or another occasion.

    1. I didn't see anything about a name change but now I am wondering, so just did a check and this is what I found.
      Eritrea was called Mdre Bahri. The Italians created the colony of Eritrea in the 19th century around Asmara and named it with its current name.

  7. So crazy! How did you find this? I have never heard of this country!

    1. I heard of the country while watching a YouTube clip, so looked it up

  8. I think the national anthem sounds very nice. :)


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