Friday, 10 January 2025

Angola's National Anthem


Since a couple of you asked about Murdering Gully and because I am also interested in how it got that name, I have none some research and this is what I found out. Nothing I could find stuff about a place call Murdering Gully in Victoria but the only site that information about Murdering Gully in my area was the Newcastle Herald site and they wanted me to sign up for a paid subscription which I did not want to do. So, I do not know why it was called that.

Moving on today is Friday and that means it is time for a national anthem and since I wrote about Angola on Monday, I will share their anthem today.

"Angola Avante" was composed by Ruy Mingas. The lyrics to the song were penned by Manuel Rui Alves Monteiro, an author who studied in Huambo and is affiliated with both the country's Writer Union and Union of Artists and Composers.

The song was officially designated as the country's national anthem in 1975, when the country gained independence on 11 November that year. It is enshrined under Article 164 of Angola’s constitution.

Its lyrics refer to several key events in the history of the MPLA. However, this has been rendered "obsolete" since the end of the one-party state in 1992. As a result, there have been efforts to modify the national anthem, along with other national symbols. However, none of these have come to fruition, and the anthem remains unchanged as of 2014.


O Pátria, nunca mais esqueceremos
Os heróis do quatro de Fevereio.
O Pátria, nós saudamos os teus filhos
Tombados pela nossa Independência.
Honramos o passado e a nossa História,
Construindo no Trabalho o Homem novo,
Honramos o passado e a nossa História,
Construindo no Trabalho o Homem novo.

Angola, avante!
Revolução, pelo Poder Popular!
Pátria Unida, Liberdade,
Um só povo, uma só Nação!
Angola, avante!
Revolução, pelo Poder Popular!
Pátria Unida, Liberdade,
Um só povo, uma só Nação!

Levantemos nossas vozes libertadas
Para glóriados povos africanos.
Marchemos, combatentes angolanos,
Solidários com os povos oprimidos.
Orgulhosos lutaremos Pela Paz
Com as forças progressistas do mundo.
Orgulhosos lutaremos Pela Paz
Com as forças progressistas do mundo.

English Translation

 O Fatherland, we shall never forget
The heroes of the Fourth of February.
O Fatherland, we salute your sons
Who died for our Independence.
We honour the past and our history
As by our work we build the New Man.
We honour the past and our history
As by our work we build the New Man.

Forward, Angola!
Revolution through the power of the People!
A United Country, Freedom,
One People, one Nation!
Forward, Angola!
Revolution through the power of the People!
A United Country, Freedom,
One People, one Nation!

2. Let us raise our liberated voices
To the glory of the peoples of Africa.
We shall march, Angolan fighters,
In solidarity with oppressed peoples.
We shall fight proudly for Peace
Along with the progressive forces of the world.
We shall fight proudly for Peace
Along with the progressive forces of the world.


  1. You did a lot of work on this. Interesting...

  2. This anthem is one I'd never heard before. Thanks, Jo-Anne!

  3. A more positive anthem than the country sounded like today.

  4. I can see why there has been reluctance to change. Words are fine whoever is in charge.


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