Thursday, 30 January 2025

She would be 85 today


My mum would be 85 today and words cannot really express how sad I am feeling that she isn’t here for us to celebrate, if she was here, we would all be at her place, and we would either order pizza for lunch or ger KFC.

I would have sent a reminder about her birthday to all her grandchildren and asked them to pop over and see her during the day and most of them would have done just that.  My parents had 18 grandchildren including Landon and Skylar and 19 great-grandchildren.

Family was very important to both mum and dad and the importance of family they passed on to their children.

Even though she has been gone 4yrs in April I still have times when I pick up the phone to call her, I spoke to mum every day for something like 20yrs sometimes two or three times a day.

Today it is raining so I can’t go to the cemetery as it would be a soaking mess but when it fines up, I will get someone most likely Sue to take me over.

Mum wasn’t just my mum she was my best friend and the loss of her and dad has ripped a large hole in me and I often feel lost without them around. I do believe they are watching over me and the rest of their family.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. The way you describe talking to her each day makes my heart smile. 🩵

  2. Rarely do people get over the loss of their beloved mum, as inevitable as we know the loss is.. one day. It DOES help to remember the pleasure that your parents got from all their grandchildren! Big framed happy photos from weddings and birthday parties of them altogether helps.

    1. I have a number of photos of my parents around the house and yes it does help

  3. A nice post Jo-Anne. Yet it's a sad day to remember, we just don't get over the loss of our mums or dads for that matter. You have lovely memories though. Take care.

  4. I believe they are watching over you and the family, too. :)

  5. No doubt they are watching over you and all of those grand children and great grandchildren. You are so lucky to have a big family.

  6. No way, 18 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. I have my James at that will be it. I won't live long enough to see great-grandchildren. They were so blessed. I'm happy she was your best friend. My dad was my best friend. He died at 96 1/2. Sadly my mom died at 56. She looks like a lovely woman.

    1. Family was so important to my parents and dad always felt his family made him a rich man

  7. Do you know what - my mom died on this day in 2003. I know you are sad - I am still sad. I am so sorry. She was a beautiful lady. I also lost my dad the same day and year within ten minutes of my mom. He died in CA and she died in GA. They had been divorced for years. Rough.
    I am so glad that you loved your parents and they loved you.

    1. That's odd how they died so close together even though they had been divorced for years, losing both on the same day would have been hard. I was lucky to have such wonderful, loving and caring parents

  8. I have so little family left. Really, my own children, DIL and grandson. There are distant cousins etc that I know the names of but haven't seen since I was little..etc. When my Dad who reared me passed, it was the end of the world.


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