Saturday, 5 January 2019

The week that was

I am going too start this year a weekly post for Saturdays called “The week That Was” this post I will write during the week.

This last week has been hot, stinking bloody hot with temps in the mid to high 30's, so hot that many days I have turned the air con on as early as 8.30am. Even though it wasn't in the window Natasha has been using her new air con which has helped but it goes into the window on Wednesday morning.

Here we are at Wednesday aka hump day and when I got up at 7am it was a nice 20°c the lowest morning temp so far this week. Of course it didn't stay low for long, heated up to around 35°c. Tim & Michael installed Natasha's air con, it didn't take long and she is happy.

I also had a doctors appointment for fasting blood test and to get some scripts.

Thursday was another stinking hot day, I turned the air con just after getting up at 8am, at 11.30am I went back to bed for a bit and stayed there till Tim left for work at 1.50pm.

My sister Sandy sent me a message Thursday afternoon asking if Natasha could pick my parents and Dawson up and drive them to Charlestown Square as Sue had to work and Sandy said she didn't have room in her car. So of course we picked them up but while we were having breakfast Sue rang and said when she got into work she was told they didn't need her so she would be at the square in about 5 minutes to help Sandy.

While I was doing my online food shop Natasha turns up to see if her dad would be able to drive a truck for a friend whoo needs to move. He said he would because he was too kind to say no bugga off.

So I said I would not go to Margaret's funeral as Tim wouldn't be able to go and pick me up after the service.


  1. If was 30 degrees F it would be cool - lol! Hope it cools down and I hope your doctor went well.

  2. You've had a busy week. I sure wish I could trade our winter temperatures for your summer temperatures.

  3. You’re starting the new year off with a flurry of activity. It’s in the 30’s here but we use Fahrenheit so it’s chilly here. The windshield of my truck has a thick layer of frost on it this morning.

  4. Chatty......yeah it would be

    Karen.......As much as I complain I do like our weather

    Rick........Yeah busy but is the way it is

  5. MY gosh what a couple of days. Here of course, it's cold!


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....