Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Creature Wednesday/Pufferfish

Good afternoon everyone on this Wednesday, this year Wednesday's will be creature Wednesday this Wednesday I will kick it off with the Pufferfish.

The Pufferfish is a smallish chubby fish that looks quite cute as they bumble along, flapping their tiny fins. However, get too close and pop it suddenly inflates into a football covered in sharp, venomous spines.

It can also swallow huge amounts of water very quickly to blow up its body to several times its normal size. It can also do the same thing with air, making its spines which normally lie flat, stick out in all directions.

In Japan the pufferfish is known as Fugu and are eaten as a delicacy the chefs have been known to leave a bit of poison in the fish to make the eater feel dizzy and tingly but if they get it wrong the diner ends up being rushed to hospital.


  1. Scary facts about the pufferfish. I have seen the live ones in an aquarium in a restaurant. They are just for show and not for eaten as food.

  2. They are fascinating fish. I believe there are different types of them, too. But they all do the blowing up thing. :)

  3. Believe it or not, we have a local advert for a dentist office that makes use of a pufferfish "off the isle of Bora-Bora"...

  4. Nancy.......Yes scary indeed

    Rita.........Yes they are fascinating


  5. Yeah- the guy gets hit in the mouth by a thrown horseshoe while camping and swells up "like a pufferfish off the isle of Bora-bora- but then you smile because you're not in Bora-bora, you're just outside of Ft Wayne, and AFDENT is in Ft Wayne..." They do it with cartoony stills, which makes it funny because their "scenery" includes mountains, and trust me there are no mountains "just outside of Fort Wayne"...



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