Sunday, 27 January 2019

The week that was No 4

Sunday was an overcast muggy day, I had to have a late nap as the day got away from me, I spent t he day answering letters from pen pals, wrote a total of 6 letters. Spilt my drink.

Monday I went to my aqua class. Blain spent most of the day here updating his Xbox and at 1pm Leo came over for the night. Tim had a 5hr split shift so he was home from 11.15 to 4pm.

Tuesday morning it was nice when I got up at 7am but by 10am I had to turn the air con on as I had sweat dripping out of me. Spilt my d rink

Wednesday when I went to aqua my knees were so sore and stinging I ended up cutting it short when Tasha arrived at 9.35.

Thursday I had to see my GP he has prescribed Valium for me to take before I have the MRI done next week. Spilt my drink

Friday is shopping day Natasha dropped me off and Jessica picked me up before bringing me home I went to Coles to get a roast beef for tomorrow's lunch, Leo came with me as he was worried about me being on my own. He also picked something he wants to give Papa for his birthday tomorrow.

I was sitting on a ledge waiting and of course when it came time to get up I couldn't and Leo was worried he called his mum to come and help.

Saturday was Australia Day but more importantly it was Tim's birthday he has now turned 58 and because it was his birthday all the girls and grandchildren except for Sydney-May came for lunch. Sydney-May is with her father till tomorrow. Tim said he had a good day loved seeing all the family. Leo spent the night because he wanted to. It was a stinking hot day temps outside of my house got up as high as 42°c. When I went to bed it was still 30°c.


  1. You've been rather busy then.
    Keep cool.
    Happy Birthday to Tim for yesterday.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne ... all the best with things that are going on - look after yourself - but am glad to see a good birthday was enjoyed by the family - cheers Hilary

  3. Spilling the drinks seemed to be a theme this week...

  4. Margaret.......Life is often busy, thank you for the birthday wishes

    Hilary.......Yes it was a good day

    Chris......I spill drinks a lot


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