Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Gross Facts No 5/ Pollution

Good morning all it isn't hot here yet...............

Well here we are at another gross Tuesday, today's gross facts are about pollution.

Linfen, China is one of the most polluted cities on the planet due to the coal dust produced by the city's coal mines.

In fact 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in China

In Ranipet, India the water in local rivers is so toxic it feels like an insect bite when it touches the skin.

Over 1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water and 5000 people die each day due to dirty drinking water.

Some oceans have dead zones as in nothing can live there because pollution has caused an oxygen shortage.

London was once so thickly polluted with coal smoke that it created a thick fog known as a “pea souper”

Swimming and fishing are banned in Onondago Lake in New York State, USA because it has so much sewage and industrial waste.

If you see cotton buds on a beach don't swim there, as they are generally a sign that untreated poo has flowed into the water

The acropolis is a collection of ruined buildings in Athens Greece, acid rain has caused these old buildings to crumble more in the past 40 years than they did in the previous 2500 years.


  1. I didn't know any of them - very interesting.

    Swimming and fishing are banned in Onondago Lake in New York State, USA because it has so much sewage and industrial waste.

    If you see cotton buds on a beach don't swim there, as they are generally a sign that untreated poo has flowed into the water

  2. Lots I didn't know! Wow!
    And yes--gross!

  3. Very informative facts and good to know. Interesting post, Jo-Anne! I don't swim in the sea anymore.

  4. On the subject of the clean water- they had a thing here from Stella Artois beer where if you bought their drinking glass it contributed $10 to clean water for African women. That is what I drink my weekly Golden Monkey from.

  5. It's both sad and a serious issue, what we're doing to this planet.

  6. Sandie...... Yes gross and interesting

    Margaret.....Thanks I thought so

    Rita.........Gross indeed

    Nancy........So sad that so much sea water is so polluted

    Chris.......That sounds like it would raise some money

    Karen.........Yes I agree


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