Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Gross Facts No 4

It looks like it is going to be another hot and sweaty day here in Newie, it was nice at 7am when I got out of bed but I now have the air con going. Anyway it is Tuesday so that means it is gross day, today's topic is rubbish.

Mumbai, India gets rid if the horrid smell of its rubbish by pouring thousands of litres of deodorant on it.

The Citarum River in Indonesia is filled with the rubbish of 9 million people plus the liquid waste of 500 factories. Boatmen still fo on t he river but not to fish they look for things to sell.

The Pacific is home too the Great Pacific Rubbish Patch a vast soup of debris and chemical sludge that covers about 5000 square kilometres.

When rubbish decomposes in a landfill, it produces methane gas

In a landfill cigarette butts take 12 years to biodegrade

Disposable nappies take 800 years to biodegrade

About 6.3 billion kg of rubbish is dumped into the oceans every year most of it plastic

Until the early 20th century thrown out food was mixed with animal remains to make a greasy gunk used in soaps and candles


  1. Gosh we make all this 'stuff' and diapers are great, but 800 years to disintegrate - maybe we should re-look at what we make or how we throw things away if possible.

  2. I wish I would have known that when Dagan was little and I used disposable diapers...and I think of all the years I smoked, too. :(

  3. It is so true. Imagine the amount of rubbish we are going to leave behind for the next generation!

  4. Dear Jo-Anne, the waste company I use will collect a bin for garbage and another for recycling. So I do recycle what I can, but I find myself still putting so much into what will become a landfill. Somehow, I've lost the true meaning of being a steward of the Earth. Peace.

  5. I'm sitting here in a winter ice and snow storm and you're having hot weather, which I love. Now that is rubbish.

  6. Sandie........Yes that was a shock 800 years we need to do better

    Rita........Yes they are a great invention but we need to do better

    Nancy........I try to reduce and recycle

    Dee........We have 3 bins, 1 for green waste, 1 for recyclables and 1 for general waste.


    Karen........Yeah I get that


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