Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Gross Facts No 3/ surgery

Well here we are at another hot Tuesday, Jessica & Leo arrived just after I got home, she borrowed my car to go to an appointment while I watch Leo.

Today's gross facts are about surgery.

Ancient Romans practised plastic surgery to repair noses, eyes, lips and teeth

One procedure in ancient Rome was the removal of scar tissue from the back because it implied that a man had turned his back in battle and was a coward.

Most surgeries in Renaissance times (between 14-17th centuries) were performed in barber shops

Many of the patients seen by 16th century Italian surgeon Gaspare Tagliacozzi were treated for wounds by duels or street fights.

Tagliacozzi created new noses using arm tissue, however, the new nose could fall off if blown too hard, damn that would be embarrassing

Australian artist Stelios Arcadious had an ear grown from cells in a laboratory implanted in his arm to make himself a living art exhibit. Not art just stupid.................

In the middle ages surgeons used herbs and alcohol as simple anaesthetics

About 17 million plastic surgery operations are carried out worldwide each year

More take place in Switzerland than any other country with about 216 procedures per 100,000 people each year.

The earliest form of surgery was trepanning which involved cutting a small hole in the head, but why...........................

Some fashion conscious women have been known to have a toe removed so they can wear a slim fitting shoe, not me, that's for sure.


  1. I remember how Japanese girls used to wrap their feet up tight so that they would be tiny... thinking to myself, anyone who needs to inflict pain to judge someone pretty is an idiot.

  2. Uh Oh you've reminded me that I have to go to a plastic surgeon to have a skin cancer removed from my face but I'm waiting till my broken ankle heals enough to walk on.

  3. They actually grow noses in the arm nowadays - as an implant.

  4. Chris........Yes why would they do that, I don't get it

    Diane........Yes you make sure you have the skin cancer removed

    Chatty........Now you mention it I remember hearing that

  5. Some of these are just creepy--LOL!

  6. Hi Jo-Anne ... just not nice, but the way of life in those early days. I found an article on 'Amputation of the Nose through History' - when I was writing about Tycho Brahe and his prosthetic nose - which I wrote about in September 2016 ... the only way to master surgery I guess is to keep practising and checking out new ideas ... which they've done throughout history ... cheers Hilary

  7. So glad I didn't live in the times of the Ancient Romans (at least I don't think I did), I can't imagine how surgery would have gone like in those days.

  8. Wrapping the feet was a Chinese custom, and it was done in the name of fashion. Slender feet were more attractive, you see. The other reason was vanity. If a woman's feet were wrapped tightly, she couldn't walk easily, and the implication was that her family was wealthy enough so that she didn't have to walk anywhere. Not true for most women, but that was the way it was for a long time.

  9. Rita.........Yes they are

    Hilary......yes they only way they get things right is by trying new ideas

    Karen........Yeah me too

    Jack........I knew it was a Chinese custom and I am sure Chinese women now days are pleased it is no more

  10. Trepanning...wasn't that to loose evil sick making vapors from the head?


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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