Monday, 7 January 2019

Did you know No 1

It is a lovely Monday I woke up at 6.10am to rain and it is nice and cool, last night saw me in a right state, I was not just shaking but somewhat confused, I couldn't make up my mind what to do. Natasha walked in to see me sitting on the lounge crying, she gave me something sugary to eat and made me other food after eating I was fine.

Anyway here are this weeks did you know facts.

Frank Tower was a shipworker who was on the Titanic when is sank, he was also on the Empress of Ireland when it sunk and then he was also on the Lusitania when it went down and survived all sinkings. Damn

Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body, if the average man never trimmed his beard it would grow to around 30 feet in his lifetime.

By the age of 60 most people have lost half their taste buds.

England's Stonehenge is 1,500 years older than Rome's Colosseum.

The Eiffel Tower gets a new coat of paint which is about 300 tons of paint every seven years.


  1. who in the world KNEW you lose your taste buds!!!

  2. I learned in my nursing assistant course that the last taste buds that people lose are for sweets. That's why so many elderly people love to eat sweet things. I've never understood people who say they don't like anything sweet.


  3. Interesting Jo-Anne.
    What a lucky man was Frank Tower, wasn't meant to die in a sinking ship or one that had sunk.

  4. These were all really interesting! :)

  5. Now I know why most elderly people complain about their food.

  6. Hi Jo-Anne ... I hope you feel better soon. Love the facts you give us - all the best - Hilary

  7. Right state- sometimes I think these docs want our sugar TOO low. Been feeling that a lot lately.

    FranK: I'd have changed jobs after the FIRST sinking...

    Beard: Don't I know it...and it can stop any time now...

    Taste buds: Y'know, Bud Light should mention that in their adverts, explaining why their beer tastes like gutter water....

    Stonehenge: Yeah, but the seating sucks...

    Paint: They should try different shades once in a while. You can't get THAT sick of it in 7 years..

  8. Katie.....Yeah I thought every man and his dog knew that

    Janie......Didn't know that but I know my dad and late aunt loved their sweets

    Margaret...Yeah I know, how lucky was he


    Nancy......Yeah maybe they just aren't being fussy and annoying

    Hilary......Thanks pleased you liked them

    Chris........Trust you to make me laugh

  9. Did not know about the taste buds.
    Hope you keep a better eye on your blood sugar, sounds like it got out of control.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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