Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Creature Wednesday/ whale Shark

Image result for whale shark
Hello Wednesday, well my aqua class started back this week , but I was unable to attend on Monday as Leo had his appointment with his paediatrician but I went this morning.

Anyway it is creature day and today's creature is the whale shark, this mighty monster is the biggest fish in the world. It grows up to 12 metres about 40 feet in length, they also have the thickest, toughest skin in the world. It can be 14cm or 5.5in thick in places and like other sharks its skin is covered in tiny, hard, sharp denticles which means little teeth.

However, these huge creatures do not chase or bite humans they just cruise around using their wide mouths to filter tiny animals out of the seawater. Due to their size no other creature can scare them, the only real threat to them are humans in fishing boats.

Thankfully many countries have laws banning whale shark hunting, whale sharks are so gentle and friendly that they have been known to allow divers to stroke them.


  1. Seen many a nature show with divers interacting with these big guys. So cool!

  2. Good to hear about a shark that doesn't bite people.

  3. Chatty......That's for sure

    Margaret.....I thought so


    Karen......Yes big and gentle

  4. Don't know about being gentle. It would just be my luck for it to discover one me at 200 pounds is equivalent to several million wee fishies.😁

  5. Ian........Yeah I get that

    Ricki.......Yes they are


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