Monday, 31 December 2018

Did your know No: 34

Well here we are at the end of another year and the start of another working week, so today I am doing did you know New Year's facts how true they are I do not know but anyway here they are.

New Year's Day was celebrated on the 1st January way back in 45 BC for the first time when the Julian calendar takes affect.

New Year's Day is the proper noun naming the day we celebrate the new year. That is why it is always capitalized.

In some Western cultures, it is a custom for people to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Some hold the superstition that failing to kiss someone ensures a year of loneliness.

Auld Lang Syne. The song literally means "old long ago." or times gone by”.
The month of January derives its name from a two-faced God named Janus. Janus’ one face looked forward while the other looked backward.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Thanks for your visit to one of my chronicles about our lives as traveling consultants.
    Just finished ALL stories about trips to India, some more scary ones...
    When i started doing this in November of 2017, after husband Pieter got his death penalty read by a bully of a cardiologist, I've started doing this.
    Praying that he might live to see me finish all chronicles! Did South Africa first last year and he enjoyed so much re-living the best years of our life together. It kept me going and it also made me prioritize this. Can't do it ALL - visiting everyone and commenting, doing household chores beside working my part time job since end of August as an English Tutor at the local Technical College.
    But now I'm off and it feels great for having accomplished a lot this year.
    When I was on crutches and not allowed to walk for 2.5 months due to my double 'closed' pelvic bone fractures, I've scanned almost 1,800 letters/cards from loved ones that are no longer with us. They're all filed by date and year and one day I can do the blogpost with all of Mom's letters to share with my siblings. Not with the world... But to me it is a treasure and I feel happy for having this under my belt. Also the shower renovation and lots of painting touch ups in bedroom, hallway, office and guest bathroom door. And that Pieter recovered from a severe and very scary bronchitis/pneumonia.
    Sending you and yours the best wishes for a Happy and above all Healthy 2019!
    But the way, by living even more strict and not eating at restaurants, at receptions etc. my kidney function went from only 32% in October (!) to 37% in December. Grateful for that too. It takes an IRON WILL and I got one...

  2. Happy brand new year to you! sandie

  3. I remember seeing pictures of the two faced god and forgot about that being how we got January! You jogged by old brain cells. ;)

  4. Let's look forward to the New Year! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  5. Hpoing the best this coming year to you and yours!

  6. Mariette.......Your blog is so interesting and I love visiting it, I am so glad that your kidney function has gone up.

    Sandie.......Happy New Year to you

    Rita........Nice when the brain cells receive a jog

    Nancy......Thanks here's hoping 2019 is a great year

    Chris......Thank you, I hope the same for you and yours

  7. Once upon a time, girl friend and I...age 13 years sneaked out to a large city for New Years Eve.

    Do I have to tell you our parents did not know. We got some misguided high school friend to take us. We were out on the street when 12am struck and some of the men in bars came out...and I got a kiss on the lips with a Happy New Year by a stranger. Thank goodness he reeled on along the way to the next bar I suppose. Kathy did not get a kiss. I think she saw it happen to me and shrieked.

  8. Katie.....Oh the things some teenagers get up to, not me I was a goody two shoes


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....