Monday, 17 December 2018

Did you know No:32

Hello Monday, no aqua for me this week as Natasha has court, 6 months ago she received a parking ticket when dropping Blain off at school and decided to fight it instead of just paying it, anyway she has court about it again tomorrow. Last time she went to court it was adjourned.

Anyway since Christmas is just around the corner I am doing did you know Christmas facts that may or may not be true.

The 25th December was originally a pagan celebration, as no one knows when Jesus was born
Santa Claus originated in a newspaper add, to sell toys and gift books in the mid 19th century.
The Christmas Tree is a manufactured tradition.
The nativity story resulted in several wars.
Mistletoe kissing originated with fertility rites


  1. I have always been taught Jesus had an early April birthday.

  2. All of those- with the possible exception of the "wars" one- are very true. I only say that because I do not know of any wars directly tied to the actual Nativity. I do, however, know that several wars- all involving the Turks and Russians- came from the question of who supervised the Church of the Nativity in Palestine, including the Crimean War.

  3. Chatty.......So nice

    Chris.......You know more then me

  4. Interesting Jo-Anne.
    The birth - we are told what someone has translated :)


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....