Thursday, 24 May 2018

Photo Thursday

Hello everyone, here we at this lovely Thursday, didn't do a post yesterday, why you wonder, well I went to my aqua class as usual but I was that tired that at one stage I nearly fell over that said I stuck it out.

After the class I came home and got changed before going and getting fuel for the car and then down to the shops to get a loaf of bread and more crumpets.

Around 1.50pm Jessica rang me to tell me that she didn't have an afternoon run as all the children she drives got sent home sick, so she was able to get Leo from school, if I could have I would have done a happy dance.

All that said, it is not the reason for no post yesterday, the reason is, I forgot, simple as that..............

So anyway today is Thursday and that means it is photo day so here is this weeks photo


  1. ALL the kids got sent home sick? I don't know whether to say thank God for small miracles or have her checked for the plague...

    1. Yeah I get that she was pleased to have the afternoon off

  2. Hi Jo-Anne, Is that you and Tim in the photo? Have a happy day!

  3. Nice to see you in the picture!

  4. Get a fad for crumpets, they are nice for supper or lunch even inbetween.

  5. Dear Jo-Anne, I hope you are feeling bright and chipper today. I have days when I simply don't get out of my nightgown. I just rest and read and look out the window at the sun glancing off the leaves. We all need days to just "be." Peace.


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